Monday, February 16, 2009

I stole this from here it goes.

How far along? 10.5 weeks
Maternity clothes? Not yet, sometimes I need my bellaband if I have eaten all day and am really bloated but I bought some new maternity clothes from Old Navy since they had a huge sale.
Stretch marks? Not yet, thank God.
Sleep: Sucks. I wake up 4-5 times a day/night having to go pee. Im sure it only gets worse.
Best moment this week: When girls at work are starting to notice my growing stomach and realizing I really cant suck it in anymore. It makes it more real.
Movement: None, too early.
Food cravings: This week, grape tomatoes, veggie tray and scrambled eggs, gyros and a Close Talker Salad from Moes.
Gender: No clue
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? Still in
What I miss: Wine & sleep
What I am looking forward to: Next ultrasound in March
Weekly Wisdom: Take everyone's unsolicited advice with a grain of salt. They mean well, even though it is incredibly annoying.
Not being able to suck my belly in anymore. Lame huh?

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