Monday, February 9, 2009

Oh Boy

No no no, its not a boy....yet. I feel like it has been since we came across a bargain baby name book at Barnes and Noble last night so Chris was page turning last night before bed. He is on a mission to find a boys name we like. Last night his favorites are Everett & Jameson (we would call him Jimmy like my Dad)
I came across some boy inspiration for nurserys, so I thought I would post them.
Fireman Theme...Chris' idea
More pictures here

Nautical Themes
(well ya know the baby is a nautical baby)

More pictures here

Nothing else is really new other than our baby is considered a fetus now, oh snap! Its growing quickly and my belly looks it too. Even though it just looks extra chunky right now. LOL
I just ate an entire carton of grape tomatoes...and I will probably go back to Publix for more tonight. Tomatoes & chocolate chip pancakes..imagine that craving.

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