Thursday, March 19, 2009

14 1/2 week *bump* Pic

So I took another picture since everyone at work was commenting on my growing belly. So I guess its starting to look more like baby than a spare tire. FINALLY!
Here to the dorky pics!
((edit))Ya know... I just looked back at the last belly pics I posted...they look identical, But I promise, it sure is bigger in person.

Nothing really new going on with baby. The Drs called to say the NT scan was negative so that's good news. We are just PATIENTLY waiting for April 14th to find out if Baby D is a boy or girl.


  1. you look so freakin' cute! love it!

  2. Its still such a cute little bump!!!

  3. you look great! Time sure is FLYING! Your lil one will be here before you know it!
