Monday, April 27, 2009

20 Weeks!

Half way there!
How far along? 20 weeks
Maternity clothes? Mostly but I can still get away with some pre pregnancy clothes
Stretch marks? Not yet, thankfully

Sleep: If I didnt wake up to pee every hour I would be sleeping great!
Best moment this week: Feeling him kick from the outside
Movement: Hes a kicker, still alot of flutters though.
Food cravings: Starbucks White Mocha Lattes and Fraps (Skinny & Decaf) Thanks Mag...I blame YOU!
Gender: It's a BOY!
Labor Signs: Defintely NO

Belly Button in or out? Still in
What I miss: Being able to take whatever cold medicine I would take before I was pregnant

What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery painted this weekend and new carpet next Monday!
Weekly Wisdom: Drink lots of water!

We are half way there!

P.S. I bought his bedding today, I spent waaaay more than I ever planned to, but Chris doesn't need to know that, wink wink. I HAD to have this bedding!


  1. omg that bedding is SO cute!! he is gonna have the cutest nursery ever!!

    and white mochas are my fav! along with mocha fraps!! :-) (still sorry about the toasted marshmallow thing!!)

  2. love his bedding! I can't wait to see the finished nursery!
