Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Jabs, Pokes, & Rolls

So Im pretty sure I felt the baby moving around in there! I was standing at work staring off in space when I felt a rubbing feeling. It was really weird, then it happend again. I shook it off and figured it was something else. Im used to geting mild cramps (Dr said its my uterus explanding...and I get them everyother day at least once) but this was a different feeling. But when it happened again I ran upstairs to the trusty ultrasound machine at work and took a peek... The baby was going CRAZY. It was probably the Crunch Bar I had just hate 30 minutes ago and the 3 $0.25 gumballs I already devoured. SUGAR!
**The ultrasound looked like this: Baby was laying like it was in a chaise lounge and it was jabbing its feet into the sides, like it was trying to get my attention...

It was insane...

1 comment:

  1. the one thing I miss about not being preggo...the movements are the best! Just wait till your lil one is moving around so much more and definite!
