Monday, April 20, 2009

We're Home!

As most of you know, we took a long weekend trip to Washington DC and called it a late belated honeymoon/babymoon. We had been wanting to go to DC for sometime now and my mom ended up getting us some plane tickets and wham bam, you have a honeymoon. We had an absolute blast minus all the walking... WE.DID.SO.MUCH.WALKING! It hurt so bad to wake up in the middle of the night and just walk to the bathroom to go to the bathroom.

I have to say the coolest part of the whole weekend was when we found out you could get tickets for the annual White House Garden Tour. We found out they only do the tour 4 days out of every year, 2 days in April and 2 days in October and they don't announce the dates until that weekend they do it. We got lucky. We accidentally came across the tickets and we took advantage of them. We just thought the tickets were to visit some garden, little did we know it was a self guided tour though the GROUNDS of the entire white House. I swear, we were like 10 steps away from the front door of the White House. Crazy!

Oh and other baby news....
I was laying in bed this morning at the hotel and admiring how hard my belly is starting to get and as I was touching it, KICK! He kicked me! I felt it on the outside! I have been feeling him roll around on the inside but this was an actual kick! Chris was amazed but of course he didn't do it again for Chris to feel.

Oh and we still don't have a name.... We decided not to discuss it much while on our mini vacation...

Here's some pics from the White House...

(yes Im wearing the same outfit form the other day in my bump picture, but it's one of the few shirts I fit into since Im in the inbetween phase.)

1 comment:

  1. Your baby bump is so cute!! Glad to hear you had a great time in DC.
