Monday, May 11, 2009

First bridge crossed!!

We just got a call from our specialist, the preliminary results came back.... NORMAL!!! It was so good to hear the word "normal" come out of her mouth. We still get more results back hopefully next Tuesday, but these were some of the major chromosomal defects that came back first.

We still have to keep praying for even better results next Tuesday. We are hoping and praying he keeps growing and getting bigger, maybe he's just a late bloomer.

The heart is still an issue and won't be addressed until after next Tuesday's results. So we still have a very long road ahead of us.

Keep the prayers coming, he's a fighter and know he will make it through this bump in the road.


  1. Awww hun I got chills when I read your post. I am so glad to hear that you got some good news. I will continue prayers and vibes for you guys. Its obviously doing something good!!!

  2. I am so happy to hear that! I will continue to pray for good results and a healhty baby boy.

  3. awesome i kept having a feeling these past few days that things were going to be ok. SO glad to hear it.

  4. I tried to comment to you on facebook but it wouldn't let me, so I'll do it here. I am so happy to hear the results are good! I have been checking your blog all day and I checked it just as Justin sent me a text that he heard from Chris..we're keeping tabs on you guys. I hope you guys have a great day! I will keep the thoughts and prayers going :)

  5. HOORAY!!! I'm so happy for you!

  6. That is wonderful news! The power of prayer! *HUGS*

  7. Great news!! I'll continue to keep you in my prayers.

  8. that's GREAT news!!

    Continuing to pray and send positive vibes

  9. WOO HOO...that is such great news!! We will continue to pray for you & your family!!

  10. Hi Ashley,
    I'm a follower from the bump and so happy today was a good day! I'll be praying for you.

  11. We Ashley's have to stick together... DH and I are on your team and will keep praying for your family!
