Sunday, May 3, 2009

Goodbye Office, Hello Nursery

Our house is a DISASTER right now! We have moved all the upstairs furniture to the garage downstairs, ripped out all the carpet upstairs and tore apart the closets. All to prepare for a new carpet install tomorrow morning. So tonight we're having a slumber party on the couch downstairs..woo hoo.

We started to paint, well Chris painted pretty much everything. I did a little trim but let him do most. The color is great and we have to add one more coat of paint tomorrow morning before the carpet guys get here. The only problem we ran into is paint still got all over the ceiling, it seaped through the tape we did. It's not horrible but I hate it. I debate don just adding crown molding to it since we all ready adding the wainscotting to the bottom. But my mom promised to fix it all when shes here in June. She's the best at painting and cutting in corners.

Tonight as we were laying here, he was kicking like CRAZY so I told Chris to try to fell it. OMG, his face was priceless when he felt him. He was pretty freaking amazed. My belly even shakes when he's moving a lot, it's fun to watch.

It needs one more coat and it will be perfect!

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