Sunday, May 17, 2009

Growing? New Bump Picture

Do you think I'm growing?I swear I think this baby has gone through a growth spurt in the last few days.

I've been in Ohio all weekend visiting my Mom, Dad & Sisters. I'm so happy my Dr said it was okay to go on this one last trip because I really needed to come home. It was a great weekend. I swear I have grown over this weekend. I have increased my protein & fluids and hopefully it's helping. This baby has been kicking the crap out of me and I am NOT going to complain. It's always a good day when I wake up and he's kicking me reminding me he's still fighting.

I was finally able to meet one of my awesome friends,

Ashley(ashnicole311) who is also pregnant who lives close to my parents in Ohio. (Our babies are going to get married one day, ya know we will have a full arranged marriage, lol) We went baby shopping together all day yesterday with my mom and found a whole bunch of goods for both our nurseries. I found the best curtains so I cant wait to go home and get them up.
So we also took the famous bump picture together, but don't mind our awful hair as it was a rainy crappy day.

It's going to be a busy week. I fly home early tomorrow morning. I hopefully will be able to return to work On Tuesday. It's going to be a long day on Tuesday, we have a normal OB appointment/ultrasound and a few hours later we have to go back to the specialist. Hopefully we find out our little boy has gone through a growth spurt. We also hope to get the results from 2nd part of our amniocentesis. ((Cross your fingers & pray that they are normal)) Then if it's all good news, I'm back to work that night. The pediatric cardiologist called and we have an appointment with him on June 3rd. I was hoping it would be sooner but at least I get to go see him.

1 comment:

  1. Cute bump Ashley! I am praying for a growth spurt for baby, its great to hear he is kicking all around!
