Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Becoming a Mom

It's all the little things that matter to a preemie mom. I got to change his diaper tonight for the first time. I was also able to do his mouth care and clean it out and take his temperature. I know these are all things all mommies get to do, but when you aren't even allowed to hold your brand new baby and have to look at him through a glass window everytime you want to bond with your baby, its hard to realize your a mommy until things like this happen. I was so happy.

The nurse and RT waited to do "touch time" until Chris and I were there and we were able to bring Nana Trina and my best friend Valorie. They were so excited to see him without his "Oakleys" on and see his little face. His facial features are so tiny and he hasn't grown into his face yet, but give it some time, he is going to be a true heart breaker. Well we all already think he is.


  1. ugh Ash im fallin in love with this lil guy!! keep the pics coming!!

  2. i am loving these pictures! thank you ashley and chris! so glad you got a few moments to do things that most mommies do right away.


  3. He is so adorable! Thanks for sharing! I love reading your blog!

  4. You are probably wondering who I am!!??!! I have read some of your posts on the nest. ~Babygroves

    Motherhood is AMAZING! So happy you are able to take part in diapering, holding, loving!!

  5. Each time you post I just get an overwhelming feeling of joy. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful story & son with us....we are all truely blessed because you have let us be a part of your miracle!!

  6. He is just the cutest little baby! I am so glad you are getting to do the "mom" stuff!

  7. Awww Ashley! You two are the cutest mommy and baby, EVER! You look so happy and in love. I'm so glad to hear you're bonding with him despite the PITA glass and tubes in the way! That can't be easy, but your a good mom so you made it happen. Stay tough, girl!
    <3 you!!!
