Sunday, June 14, 2009

I'm not alone

This is almost identical to Nolan's story minus the infertility. Watch this if you have time.

Myles Story- click here


  1. That was amazing. And now I'm crying at 8:43 AM. I know this family will be a source of strength and inspiration you to and Chris.

  2. Wow--what a beautiful, touching tribute to Myles. Like Katy said, I am sure this family will help give you strength, knowing you are not alone.

  3. What a sad and touching story. The montage is beautiful. What an amazing family, they are sure to give you strength.

  4. What a touching tribute to Myles.
    I agree with Katy.

  5. Wow, that is an amazing and powerful video.

  6. Thank you for sharing my little man's story. Myles was an amazing little boy and it warms my heart and brings a smile to my face for others to find inspiration from his story.

    My heart aches for you! I wish that no other parent had to know my pain. Your son, Nolan, is absolutely beautiful and quite a little fighter. I would love to chat with you sometime if you'd like. I know that my journey is different from yours, but you are correct in that our pregnancy stories with our sons and their lives have very eery similarities.

    Please know that you are in my thoughts this week as you pay tribute to your sweet little Nolan.

  7. What an amazingly, beautiful tribute to Myles.

  8. That was so touching & sad....I can't come up with any words that can take your pain away but thank you for sharing your wonderful story & may God bless your family & give you the strength you need right now.

  9. What a amazing story and tribute and yes it does follow Nolans struggles and the pneumonia taking both there lives. That is great she is sharing this with all of us and you I think you should talk with her she and her husband would be a great support for you I started crying just kept thinking of Nolan. Nolan and Myles both little fighters they went through more in a few days and weeks then some of us go through in a lifetime. Two amazing little boys.

  10. Wow, that was sooooo touching. Thanks for sharing, Ashley. What a wonderful tribute they put together.
