Monday, June 1, 2009

It's not fair

I don't even know where to start.
We went in to the regular OB for another growth scan today. The appointment didn't go so well. He only grew 48g in the past 2 weeks and he should have grown twice that. On top of that, my amniotic fluid is dangerously low. I have been sitting around an AFI(amniotic fluid index) of 7-8 at previous appointments. I am now at 3.

My Dr's main concern is the amniotic fluid at this time. He said typically anything under 5 they go strait to be monitored and then deliver. So he said at this point he would usually admit me to the hospital for fluids and monitoring until further notice. But there's a problem, even though I am past 24 weeks (viability date) he isn't matching a size of a 24 weeker and he is about 368g. Babies need to be close to or over 500g to have a surviving chance. So he said if I decided to get admitted I have to be ready to deliver via c-section as soon as that heartrate drops- but he said I would have to be ready for a baby that wouldn't make it. We both decided it was better to go home and be on bed rest and hope for the best. I would hate to deliver prematurely just b/c his heart rate droped once. If our baby was bigger, I would probably be typing this from the hospital room.

Instead they sent me to OB triage to get an IV with some fluids, in hopes that it helps my fluid levels. I already drink CRAZY amounts of water so he doesn't think dehydration is an issue. He believes the placenta is getting ready to give up and the baby isn't able to keep up with the fluid. He also said the baby has a bright bowel on the ultrasound (echogenic bowel) which indicates a chromosomal abnormality or infection. He said the baby could still have an abnormality that wasn't tested for in the amnio. He said he thinks the baby has some sort of sydrome, minor or major is totally unknown.

He agrees my case is so rare and nothing makes sense with all the findings. He said the low amniotic fluid and the severe IUGR is very very critical and hes only seen it maybe once in 17 years of practice. Now that I am on bedrest for the time being, he didn't think going to see the specialist in Sarasota was the best idea. Instead he made me an appointment for tomorrow morning that I went to before but with a different doctor.

What he wants to know from them is when would be the right time to admit me given the baby has a fighting chance. He also gave me an option to meet with the NICU doctors and get their opinion. We're waiting until tomorrow to see what happens. My Dr truly thinks something is going to happen in the next 2 weeks, good or bad. Im hoping he is wrong (and he hopes he's wrong too) and our baby keeps growing as long as he can.

Any and all prayers are appreciated greatly, we need them. This whole thing is just so unfair. We have been so excited to start a family and then we get this handed on our plate. Why?
Sorry if this all makes no sense, I'm pretty overwhelmed right now and it hardly makes sense to me.

I would post the video from the ultrasound, but it's pretty blury since the amniotic fluid is so low its hard to get a good picture.


  1. i'm so sorry ash and chris, charlie and i are sending prayers your way.

  2. I'm really sorry to hear that, Ashley! You and your family are in our thoughts. Take care.

  3. Ashley dear - I am thinking and praying really hard for all to be ok!
    Hang in there - you are a very brave woman with a fantastic husband and a strong little guy who wants to meet you soon!!

  4. You know I love you with all my heart.

  5. So sorry Ash, you're right its not fair. I will continue to pray for you, Chris and Baby D. (((hugs)))

  6. I'm continuing to pray for all three of you. Grow, Baby D, grow!

  7. Love you girl, we're praying for you all!

  8. My prayers are with you Ashley and Chris!!

  9. I am so sorry to hear this; my thoughts & prayers are with you & your family during this time. Good Luck at your appointment today!!

  10. All of you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  11. My heart breaks for you. What a stressful, scary time. I will pray that your baby boy will keep growing and be ok.

  12. I'm so sorry Ash. I'm sorry that your OB appt. didn't go as well as you were hoping it to be. I can only pray for you and your family and hope that your situation turns around. Take Care.

  13. So many prayers are being said & will continue.

  14. I talked to you on the bump a week or so ago, I was having problems too and I started to read your blog. I am on bedrest/homerest now as well. I was the one who hadn't gained any weight and asked you if their was a correlation with yours and the baby. I understand completely about it all feeling so unfair. My heart breaks for you as we are taking this one day at a time as well. I'm 17 weeks 1 day, today. It just doesn't seem right that they are so perfect inside yet they can't help them make it on the outside. The whole "viability" issue. I am not very religious, at all but I will pray for you. Hoping for better news for you tomorrow.

  15. I'm so sorry Ashley, I was really thinking things were looking up for you and Baby D. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    ~Sarah (soon2bemrs.g_09)

  16. I'm so sorry. You and your baby will continue to be in my prayers.
