Saturday, June 20, 2009

New Day

Today is a new day, a new beginning to this thing they call grieving. Yesterday was the first time I felt some closure in this nightmare. I sure do miss him but am coming to terms knowing he's being taken care of up there in Heaven. It does suck knowing that if Nolan was still in my belly, we would be at our baby shower brunch for Nolan today. So we plan on visiting Nolan's spot at the Memorial Garden and setting up some flowers and such today. But you know what helps? Thinking about all those people that came and supported us yesterday and said goodbye to our Nolan. And all the emails, comments and cards we have received from people I have never met or girls I have gotten to know from the Internet over the past 2 years. You girls are the best and Thank You so much for all your love and support, you are like family to me. Thank You to all the people that wore navy and red in Nolan's honor. The slide show below is all the pictures that family and friends emailed me yesterday.

I miss you Nolan, so so so much. I am so happy so many of our family and friends got to meet you and see first hand what a miracle you truly were. You were real, you were our son and you fought one very tough battle. I love you munchkin!


  1. Dear Chris,

    I am so sorry to hear about your loss. You have been such a great cousin to my brother and I, and I have no doubt that you will make an amazing father one day. I love you and wish that you and your wife Ashley will eventually find what closure may be attained after such an unfair and terrible happening. My heart goes out to you both.

  2. hey ashley, chris, this slideshow is awesome. Proof your little fighter DID touch many hearts.

