Wednesday, June 3, 2009

No cardiologist today

We were SUPPOSE to go see the fetal cardiologist today but we had a slight change in plans. On the way to the cardiologist, my OB called to go over some lab stuff for tomorrow. I had asked who was on call because I wanted to talk to them when I came in today after the cardiologist for my 2nd steroid shot about decreased fetal movement since yesterday.

This boy had his off days but the fetal Dr made it a point that I should call if it continues now since my fluid had been so low. SO, my OB said skip the cardiologist and come straight in.

Here's for some better news....
They plopped me on the ultrasound machine after giving up with the NST. He's in there wiggling around and had a strong heartbeat. The tech was surprised that I couldn't feel him. My fluids went up a little to 5, YAY! Its better than 3. She said it looks better than 2 days ago.

She remeasured him and hes now a 1lb 1oz!! He grew in just 2 days! I think the bed rest is helping. So he is about 460-478g, which is soooooo close to 500!!! The ultrasound tech was amazed, as so are we.
The Dr also checked for ruptured membranes and preterm labor, NOTHING.

So even though we never made it to the cardiologist, at least we got a little extra hope today. Our cardiologist appointment is now next Wed so we have to wait one more week, but after finding out he grew just a little more I'm okay with that.

I got my second round of steroid shots before we left today to help mature his lungs, woo-hoo.

I just want to re-thank everyone who has sent messages, comments and prayers. I wish I had the energy to reply to them all. God works in mysterious ways and I'm a true believer this baby will be one of those miracles.


  1. Yay! He's growing! I think it's very promising that he is now over a pound. Keep doing what you're doing Ashley!

  2. That's great Ashley! Keep up the resting! As always continued prayers coming your way.

  3. That's great news!! Keep getting your rest and I'll keep praying for your little miracle!

  4. That's great news that he's continuing to grow!! Your still in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. Ashley, I am so happy to hear that your little guy is still fighting!!! He is a tough little guy, keep doing whatever your doing, b/c it is working :) I will continue to keep you, Chris, and Baby D in my thoughts and prayers...

  6. Thats so good to hear sdome good news!! Seems like he is doing some serious fighting! Keep growing little man!!

  7. I'm so glad you got some good news today. I was reading an article in People while I was waiting for my hair appt. today and thought of you. It was all about miracle babies and showed them all grown up. All of them had been born between 23-25 weeks and were 2 lbs. or less. They beat the odds and I know your little one can too! I will keep praying for you guys.

  8. That is great news....he is a strong little fighter!! My thoughts & prayers are with you & your family every day!!

  9. You have a no-limit soldier in there. This is excellent news!
