Monday, June 8, 2009

Now introducing Nolan Micheal Dowaliby

So this is Val and I'm updating the blog for Ashley. So at 11:00 AM, give or take a few minutes, Little Nolan Micheal Dowaliby blessed us with his presence. He weighs 13oz and is almost as big as Chris's hand. Chris has big hands. He came out with an APGAR of 8 at one minute and 8 at 5 minutes. Chris said he cried when they pulled him out. He is intubated and on the ventilator but the neonatologist quoted "He is stable" and talked about future plans. He says he is pretty active for a baby this size. They are currently running every test imaginable including an ECHO. The results aren't in on those yet. Mommy is doing fine. She is still really sleepy from the meds and they have her on a Morphine drip. Not too much pain right now just some cramping. Blood pressure has come down and they are just watching her now to make sure the preeclampsia is resolved. She says he is really really really small but the Dr's are giving him a fighting chance. They plan to keep Ashley here at least until Thursday and Little Nolan as of now is planning on living at the hospital till about September. Chris and Ashley want to say thank you soo much for all the love, support, and prayers that have been sent their way. We still need lots of prayers for the family and that this little miracle can now take up the fighting on his own.


  1. WELCOME Nolan! CONGRATS Ashely and Chris! Our continued thoughts and prayers are with you and your lil fighter! *HUGS*

  2. Welcome to the world Baby Nolan!! Congratulations Ashley and Chris. My thoughts and prayers are with you always!!!

  3. Welcome Baby Nolan! Congrats Ashley and Chris! Continued prayers coming your way. Such a little fighter you have there.

  4. Welcome baby Nolan! Congratulations Ashley and Chris! We're all praying for you!

  5. Welcome Nolan and congrats Ashley & Chris. You are all in my prayers.

  6. Congrats and your family will be in our prayers! Lot's of love, hugs and kisses! : )

  7. Welcome to the world baby Nolan!! Congrats to mommy and Daddy!! Continued thoughts and prayers for you all. {{hugs}}

  8. Welcome Nolan!! Lots of strong healthy vibes to all three of you. Congratulations!

  9. Welcome Nolan! I'm praying for you and your mommy and daddy! We love you!

  10. Happy Birthday precious baby boy! You are loved!!!

  11. Welcome little one such a great name you have Nolan fighter and your late great uncle Michael was always a fighter congrats Ashley and Chris now you are parents.

  12. Welcome to the world, Nolan! Congratulations Ashley and Chris! I hope the next few months bring nothing but wonderful milestones and lots of progress!

  13. Welcome Baby Nolan! Comgratulations Mommy and Daddy! My thoughts and prayers for lots of milestones and growth in the next few months!

  14. congratulations on your little baby boy Nolan- what a blessing! I know you from the IUGR Yahoo group and wanted to send some love and prayers your way. My son is almost three, and was born at 30 wks 1 lb 3 oz, so just a tiny bit bigger than your Nolan. These babies are miracles! Stay strong and keep positive thoughts when around your son. All our best- Amy in Utah

  15. Ashley I'm praying for you and just posted on TB so God's about to get a lot of requests!

  16. Welcome to the world Nolan Michael!!! Congratulations Ashley and Chris, my thoughts and prayers are with you guys!!!

  17. Welcome Nolan! Congrats Ashley & Chris!

  18. Happy Birthday, little fighter :)

    Prayers will continue.

  19. Congratulations!!!! Thoughts and prayers for your new family!!!
