Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Video & Update

I just wanted to share a video we just took up in the NICU. We found out his blood work was slowly going in the wrong direction. (For those of you medical, his CO2 on his ABG was getting pretty critical and making him 7.10)
So they made the decision to put him in the HFV, so he is now breathing over 400 times a minute. This should help protect his lungs believe it or not. Hopefully he isn't on it long.


  1. What a little sweetheart! He looks so amazing! He will be breaking girls hearts all across FL before you know it! Thanks for sharing the video Ash! And I love that you have your wedding photo in by him!

  2. awww, I teared up when I saw your picture!
    He's so precious, I hope the vent helps him!

  3. he's so cute ashley! i'm so glad that he's stable, after everything they've told you over the past month i can't imagine how good that feels to hear. i'm glad they didn't wait with hfov. congratulations again to both of you.

  4. He is so precious. I cried when I saw your wedding picture...so sweet!

  5. Ashley, he is just beautiful. Such a miracle. I know he has a long way to go... I won't stop praying for you guys. I hope you are feeling well. Much love.

  6. He looks so absolutely precious! Thank you for sharing the pictures and video of him. I can't stop thinking about all of you.

  7. Oh Ashley he is so precious!! Seeing that video takes me back to when Kayli was born..so many machines and things covered and attached to your baby. Its sad but, you know too that these things will help! He will grow to be strong..I wish you and Nolan the best!!

  8. He is preciuos & I couldn't help but tear up watching him & seeing the picture of his mommy & daddy watching over him. I keep you guys in my daily prayers & am praying that with each day that passes he just gets stronger & stronger!!

  9. What a little fighter! Thanks for sharing this video. I can't wait to read all about him growing up!
