Sunday, July 5, 2009

"Amazing" 1 Month Birthday

Dear Nolan,
Happy 1 month birthday munchkin! Today you would have been a month old and I just wanted to tell you, even though you aren't here with Mommy & Daddy here on earth, we think you are absolutely AMAZING. Not a day goes by that we don't talk about you, and think about how wonderful you are. We loved you before we even knew of you, we couldn't WAIT to start our family and were SO excited when we first saw your heartbeat. You brought us hope, joy and so much unconditional love. You brought your Mommy and Daddy closer than we ever knew was possible. Sure we have been together for hmmm, 6 years and finally got married in December, but we sure weren't expecting to go through this in our first 6 months of marriage. This has brought us together in ways we never thought possible.

I look forward to continuing to share your story. I want people to realize how real you were. I'm convinced that some people don't fully understand how unique and special you were. There is truly only one word.... AMAZING. When people met you in the NICU, you took their breath away because they saw first hand what a miracle you were. I wish more of our friends and family had the chance to meet you.

I have a new favorite song and wanted to put something together with it. The song is called "Amazing" and I wanted to add all the pictures and movies that we have of us 3. It's our family, it will always be that way, you made our family amazing Nolan.

I wish you were still in your isolette and and we were celebrating your month birthday with you in person, we would have gave you the best month old birthday ever! We love you, miss you and think about you every single day. You will never be forgotten, trust me, you have made such a difference in the 3 very short days you were here.

I love you,



  1. Ashley, you continue to amaze me.
    Happy 1 month birthday Nolan :)

  2. What an great video. Happy One Month Birthday, Little Nolan.

  3. I commented when you wrote on I love the video you made, it's just beautiful. Happy one month to your little Nolan. If you need to chat, we aren't far away. Thinking of you and your family.

  4. What a beautiful video! You are in our prayers.

  5. The video you posted bring tears to my eyes (more than tears actually). I don't even know what to say... I lost my quads at 22 weeks and they were all about Noah's same size, so I feel like I am seeing them. I only have a couple of pictures of my babies, so it is heartbreaking but wonderful at the same time to see all these pictures of your little one. He IS amazing!

    I wish there was something I could do for you to help make this easier. I noticed you used the term "new normal" also. I felt that exact same way.

    Check out my blog, I have pictures of my babies on the right column.


  6. You are such a sweet, sweet soul. I just read back on your story... and your strength and love for such a tiny little boy is amazing and inspirational. May God bless you with peace and comfort... you will never be the same... he will always be the apple of your eye.

  7. I found your blog through the blog hop and I just wanted to tell you that your family will be in my thought and prayers.

    Happy one month birthday Nolan!

    God bless!

  8. Happened to yur blog via blog hop.

    My heart is heavy for you and your husband. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Dear Lord bless Ashley and her husband w/ a peace that passes all understanding. Give them the strength they need to face each moment of every day as they continue on life's journey.

    Happy one month Birthday sweet Nolan.

    God bless you both.
