Wednesday, July 8, 2009


So today was Nolan's real month birthday, I was counting Monday since it was the 4th Monday since he was born, but today was the 8th, so I guess that is the right date. So we started off the day golfing, since I plan on joining the boys on Saturday, I needed some practice. I try to do a lot of things in Nolan's memory now...things he never got to golfing. So I'll try it. Then we went to visit Nolan, I could sit there for hours and talk to him if it wasn't for the darn ants, that's Florida for you.

We booked a cruise! We needed something to look forward to in the next 6 months, given these next 6 months will be long, hard, and emotionally exhausting. We are going for our 1 year wedding anniversary and going in Nolan's Honor.

We picked a 10 day cruise on the best cruise ship....the Ruby Princess, where all this started. We are really excited and it's worth every penny to go out and do this for us, Nolan and our
future. We're going to the Southern Caribbean and it's going to be awesome! Best yet, we're going back to St Thomas, where we got engaged in St. Johns Honeymoon Beach. It's also going to St. Kitts, Barbados, St Lucia, Antigua and Princess Cays. This trip puts a smile on our face and I think we deserve this given our past few months. So after booking our cruise, we celebrated Nolan's birthday with homemade Spaghetti dinner and our new favorite wine...Barefoot Wine aka "Nolan Wine" since the footprint on the bottle reminds me of his. So cheers to my little munchkin turning a month old today. I know he's up there watching over us and gracing heaven with his precious smile.

So all in all, today was an okay day. Only happy tears shed today when talking about Nolan. I think golfing and spending the day together really helped, plus the fact we booked a cruise, it's like therapy to us. Speaking of therapy, we start next Monday and I am staying very positive about it or at least trying to. Now if I can just make it past the next two nights while Chris is at work, this weekend should be a decent one.


  1. Good for you guys.....I hope that in 6 months your cruise will be wonderfully refreshing for you both!! God Bless & as always you are in my thoughts & prayers!

  2. i love your spaghetti and wine night, what a perfect way to celebrate.. how exciting about the cruise YAY you guys deserve it so much and Nolan would want it for his mommy and daddy

  3. You are such a cute golfer! I love that you went and tried it. I'm sure it was fun, and I'm sure you made Chris laugh. LOL. ;) I'm really glad you're going on that cruise. I know how much you love them.

  4. First off I love the golfing outfit! It is so good to hear that you guys have a wonderful cruise to look forward. My thoughts and prayers are still with you and Chris everyday.
