Sunday, August 23, 2009

One lovely blog

I want to thank Nikki (Myles Mom) for nominating my blog for this award. Nikki and I have almost the same exact story, minus a few details. But if you watch both our videos, it's eerily similar. I take great pride in sharing my angels story. I never had the intentions for this blog to turn into what it has become, but I am now able to share my son's couragous story with the world.

Myles Video click here

The rules of the award are to accept it, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link, and then pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.

I have MANY blogs I would love to nominate, but I don't want to pick a few over others. But there is one blog that I came across before Nolan was born. I came across Kayliegh's blog when I first googled IUGR back in May. Her blog was one of the first google results that popped up. I saw that she was born weighing a pound and had a heart defect just like my Nolan and had survived what all Doctors said she wouldn't. I found her story so inspiring and took that hope to every single Dr's appointment from there on. Sadly, Kayliegh went to be with the other angels after almost a year of surviving the NICU roller coaster, shortly after I had come across her blog, but her parents hope, faith and love gave me the hope that I needed to fight for my Nolan. Thank you Adam & Aimee for sharing your precious daughters story, because of your family, I was able to have hope. Thank You.


  1. Here from Niki's blog to say hi and how amazing you seem and thank you for putting yourself out there.

  2. What a great award and story! And congrats on the definitely deserve it!
