Wednesday, August 19, 2009


(Click on the picture...its WAY better blown up)

I was outside playing with my new camera lens getting ready for a photo shoot I am doing with Val's boys this afternoon and look who came by for a visit. Perfect!


  1. That is perfect. Another beautiful sign from Nolan!

  2. Awww, I got goosebumps!
    That's so awesome he hung around long enough for a good picture!


    *I'd love to see the photoshoot pix you do today too ;) I bet they'll look GREAT!

  4. That is an AMAZING pic! I've been blessed with butterflies too. I see at least one everyday, but somedays several. I see mostly white or orange ones. But, I have seen a few yellow ones too. I wanted to let you know that there is a butterfly for Nolan up on my site. Click on Parade of Butterflies. It's funny because its similar to the butterfly your mom's K class made for you. It's simple, but it's my way of letting you know that I'm thinking about Nolan.
