Saturday, September 19, 2009

Good Bye UC

Well Dad is FINALLY being discharged to go home. Good Bye UC, you guys have been one AWESOME hospital and have treated my Dad so carefully. In 6-7 short weeks we will be back for a visit and look forward to seeing his Drs and nurses again.

I am so happy the surgery didn't happen yet and they were able to find the PEs otherwise Dad might not still be here. Thank you UC for being on top of your game.

Dad is going home on 7 blood pressure medications, Fragmin shots and Coumadin. Anything to keep his blood pressure below normal and thin his blood. Now he gets to work on preparing for his huge surgery in the beginning of November. It's bizarre that he is on the same shots I will be on when I get pregnant again, so I am getting a lesson in it earlier than I thought.

Now we are just waiting for the pharmacy and surgeons to visit one more time and then we are homeward bound. He is SO happy to see his dog, she sure does miss him.

Tomorrow we have to move both Maggie and Molly into OSU & Newark and it's going to be one LONG day. Dad can't go because he is not allowed to sit in a car that long. So hopefully Mom and I can figure this out since Dad has been the one that knows how to do it. I guess OSU has a huge system set up, wish us luck.

1 comment:

  1. So glad he got to go home, and I hope you figured out the move! :)
