Thursday, September 10, 2009

It's worse

This week has proven to be awful for so many reasons.

Nolan, Val's son, and now my Dad. We are leaving here in 15 minutes to get to the airport to catch a flight to Cincinnati. My Dad is being transferred to University of Cincinnati to see the heart surgeon on call, most likely to go in surgery for an aneurysm very close to his heart. He will 95% be going into a very serious surgery.

Please pray that everything is okay. Why does this have to happen?! Especially on the day Nolan died 3 months ago and the week of his due date. Shoot me.

I will keep this blog updated.


  1. Ashley, I have everything crossed for your Dad to have a safe surgery and speedy recovery. Thinking of you and Nolan this week

  2. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your father! I pray for a smooth surgery and a swift recovery! *PRAYERS*

  3. my thoughts and prayers are with you, your dad and of course Nolan

  4. Thinking and praying for you guys! Hope the surgery goes well!!

  5. Thoughts and prayers are being said for your dad and your whole family.
