Tuesday, September 15, 2009

One step forward, tow steps back

This will be a short one since we just got to UC and haven't gotten the scoop just yet. Charlie spent all day with him and he was doing SO much better this morning. But a few hours into, he got very confused and agitated once again and was back at where he was yesterday. He was started on a new med, and it is giving him a chance to rest but haven't been able to see if he remembers anything since he has been sleeping since we got here. They did try to get his scan done but he was not holding still so it is not the best picture. He is once again restrained for his safety since he thinks it's okay to try to get up.

I think Maggie will stay tonight with him since Chris's flight leaves at 645am. If anything changes Ill keep you guys updated. Just a reminder, surgery is still postponed until his mental status and pneumonia clear up.

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