Thursday, October 15, 2009


As another blogger, Wyatt's Mom said...and I will say it again, (Please read her last post)

I should be lighting candles on my Nolan's birthday cake next June 8th. But instead we are lighting candles on Oct. 15th for infant loss remembrance day.

But I didn't even get to light that, I am at work and at 7pm I was going to a trauma. So my dear friend Amy lit one for our babies and sent it to me. It made my night.

I love you Nolan and I will NEVER ever go a day and not think about you. I still can't believe you are not here in my arms right now. I guess I am just in shock that this is our new life. I never in a million years thought we would be faced with losing a baby, I really didn't.

So to all the Mom's that I have met since June that are feeling the same thing, I am thinking about you girls today and all your sweet angels in Heaven.


  1. Remembering with you, today and every day.

    And what a dear, sweet friend you have to light a candle for you :)

  2. thinking of you too, Ashley.
    Nolan is probably up there smiling down on you tonight (=

  3. I am thinking of you & all the other families that have lost!! You are in my prayers always!!

  4. So sweet...I thought of all of you today too and said a little prayer for comfort!
