Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Over the moon

I am not sure if you remember me talking about Niki, Myles mom back awhile ago. Her son Myles has the SAME EXACT story that we have. Myles even weighed the same as Nolan and her pregnancy was also cut short due to the nasty pre-e. On top of that she has had a major battle with infertility. I found Niki on the Pre-e Foundation website just days after loosing Nolan. And she is also the first person I reached out to at this time, I knew she understood the pain I was experiencing.

But I am happy to announce that she is having twin boys! Her surrogate (her sweet sweet cousin) is carrying her babies and they found out today that they are having twin boys. I could not be happier for her. Congratulations Niki, you deserve this times one million.

I also just got home from spending the last 2 days in Tampa with my best friend for her sons open heart surgery. If you want to read her blog, here you go...(Mom 2 Boys) I am just over the moon to report he is out of surgery and stable in CVICU. Mom did such a good job today and was so strong. Thankfully I am home and t hat means my favorite hyper little guy was stable enough for me to go home and get some much needed rest.


  1. As always you are in my prayers & I will add Niki & your best friend & her family as well!! God Bless!

  2. What a great story...twins!! It can't get much better than that! And as always, thinking of you! :)

  3. Aww Ashley you are just so sweet! Thank you for being so excited for us. I'm always thinking of you and your sweet angel Nolan. I like to think of Myles and Nolan playing together in heaven. ((HUGS))
