Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Yesterday was ROUGH. I thought I could do it and I was wrong.
Real quick, Val is doing pretty good. Surgery went well, she's in pain but healing as expected. I watched her boys last night and got them off to school. Talk about exhausting, I give her huge points for doing it everyday. It probably didn't help that it was my first time doing it either.

As for the hospital yesterday.. I was doing just fine being in her room since it's in a different tower of the hospital. But the second we went to the 'atrium' I lost it. All the emotions that I haven't released in a awhile from being 'strong' came out full force. For those of you that don't know what the atrium is, its the hospital lobby that is 4 floors with a HUGE open middle with little waterfalls, coffee shop and pianos, glass elevators.. ect. It's the place where all my friends and family hung out just hours before Nolan coded. As soon as I saw it, tears came like a waterfall. So I thought if I turned around I would be better. And as I was recomposing myself, a freaking pregnant girl walked by doing her 'labor walk'. I just lost it.

So yesterday was hard, but I did it for Val... because she was there for me. I am glad she is doing well and hopefully coming home soon. Then I won't have to step foot in that place until there is a 'good reason' to come back.


  1. you are a great friend ashley. i know that had to be very hard for you.

  2. What a tough day and a true friend you are for being there for a friend even if it was difficult for you!

  3. You are a very strong woman & such an amazing friend.......God Bless!

  4. Ash, you're a trooper. It must have been very hard for you but you got through it, kudos kiddo.
