Sunday, November 15, 2009

9 days until we move into our balcony cabin for 10 nights. I can not wait! We need this, we need a break from the real world. I plan on eating a bunch of food, enjoying all the wine, meeting new people and enjoy every.single.second and do it for Nolan. I would much rather be going in the spring with a 6 month old baby, but I can't change what has happened so I need to try to accept. (harder said than done)

On the other hand, we had a last minute visitor staying with us this weekend. My cousin, who I haven't seen in years (I mean like over a decade) drove 9 hours on a whim to come visit. I swear we are identical, we talk the same, act the same, both have ADD and are both completely random. Anything that sparkles can distract us from the current moment and we seriously crack each other up. I needed her this weekend, she is like the little medicine I needed. I love you Reeeeeeeebekah and thank you for driving to see us! Here's a few pics from the beach yesterday.


  1. What a sweet treat! So glad you enjoyed your visit. Counting down the days until your cruise with you - I know it will be bittersweet, but I suspect will definitely do a body good :)

  2. That is great you had a good time and yes you and Chris need this cruise to get away puts a different perspective on things and you know your Nolan will be with you, so it will be a wonderful cruise for you do alot of relaxation. Hugs

  3. aren't friends the best? I'm glad she came to deserved some sunshine (=

  4. What a nice thing to have a visitor this weekend! And it's so close to your trip...I know you'll have fun and deserve this trip!
