Friday, December 4, 2009


We had the most fun, relaxing and exciting cruise! I'm sad we are back on the mainland and back to reality. The last 10 days has been the perfect escape for us that we needed.

I'm already back at work(we got back this morning-blah) and I work the next 5 nights. The we leave as soon as I clock out Wed morning to fly up to Cincinnati for my Dad's open heart surgery that is FINALLY happening. It's going to be a busy week!

I have plans to write up a blog post about our cruise with pictures... so keep your eye out! Now I need to go catch up on the million blogs I follow.


  1. Welcome back! What day is your dad's surgery? I'd love to pray for him that day. Is it that Wed? I like about a hour from Cincinnati.

  2. Welcome home! Glad you had a good, relaxing time on the cruise. Looking forward to seeing lots of pics from your trip.
