Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy 1st Anniversary

December 14th one year ago, Chris and I FINALLY got married. I have to say we had one AWESOME wedding. It was a week long party celebrating with 40 of our closest family and friends. When we got married I sure didn't picture our first year if marriage going the way it has. Honestly, I feel as we have gone through more than some couples have in 5 years. I'm proud of us, we have done remarkably well considering what we have gone through this year. So a year later I can say, we made our first year... the year they say is the hardest and sure did find that out.
So in review, our past year...

We got married on the Ruby Princess

We found out we we're expecting our first baby.

Bought our first car in both our names. It was going to be my soccer mom car. LOL

We went to Washington D.C. for a mini honeymoon when I was 20 weeks pregnant.

We celebrated a friends birthday one week before giving birth.

I was admitted at 26 weeks for Preeclampsia, and delivered Nolan 4 months early.
We became parents to a preemie baby who lived in the NICU.

A week later, we buried our first born and started the journey of grieving.

Chris taught me to golf as a distraction from what we were going through.

We went to Vegas for my best friend Noelle's wedding.

We spent many days in Tampa for my best friend Valorie's sons open heart surgery.

We took up exercising and bike our way to visit Nolan.

We went to Oktoberfest.

Spent a weekend at Epcot for the Food & Wine Festival.

We took a 10 day cruise in memory of Nolan.

We are spending our anniversary in Ohio for my Dad's open heart surgery. You think I have seen enough hospitals for this year? He is doing well and will hopefully be going home in the next 2 days.

So it has been one stressful first year of marriage but we tried to make the best of what we have gone through. The biggest thing is we became parents this year, one thing that we dreamed about the past few years.

I wish we were celebrating our first anniversary with Nolan because that would have made our anniversary 1 million times better!


  1. Happy anniversary! Hopefully next year you will be celebrating with Nolan's little bro or sis. :o) God bless!

  2. Happy Anniversary! I wish your sweet Nolan was there with you as well. *HUGS*

  3. Happy Anniversary you guys! You've had more experience in one year than most people ever get. I am sure Nolan is watching over you today.

  4. Happy Anniversary!! *hugs* Here's to hoping you get everything you want and more for he next year.

  5. Happy Anniversary...may the new year to come bring you both joy & laughter!! God Bless!

  6. Happy Anniversary! I wish your sweet little boy was here to celebrate with you

  7. sometimes when I read your blog, it brings tears to my eyes, with how overwhelmed I get with everything you go through.
    What a first year you have had.
    They say the first year is the hardest - So with that, I wish you a happy anniversary, and a big welcome to year 2 - hoping for an easy one.
