Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Blog awards,

This just made me smile today and I needed that.

Two more awards to show off, thanks to Mrs. Foreste @
Baby Foreste and Mitzi @ The Goodson Family.

Both these blogs I followed when I was pregnant with Nolan because all 3 of us were pregnant together. All though their outcome was different, I have found joy in their stories and continue to read them.
Lemonade Stand Award & The Sunshine Award:

Lemonade Stand award:
  • Put the lemonade logo in your blog or in your post.
  • Nominate 10 blogs with great attitude or gratitude.
  • Link the nominees within your post.
  • Let them know they've received this award by commenting on their blog.
  • Share the love & link to the person from whom you received this award.

10 things that make me happy:

1. Nolan's perfect nautical room. I wish he had the chance to live in it, but I am so happy we finished it. It just makes me happy when I walk in there, because we got the finished product we first imagined. Now it's a place to go and be in peace and think
about Nolan.

2. Anything and everything nautical & anchors. Red & Blue things make my heart
melt. Yes I am the girl who bought the $30 pillow from Target yesterday because it was navy & white striped with a red border. Love it! It just makes me smile thinking of it

3. Reality TV. I am a sucker for it. Real World, The Bachelor, Jersey Shores
(ashamed to admit that one) and the list goes on and on and on. Thank God we just got DVR so now I can keep up on it all while I am at work.

4. Decorating Nolan's grave with the perfect flowers. I love when I see the finished product and think that he loves whatever we did. I can't wait to decorate his flowers for my lil Valentine, I have so many good ideas.

5. Blog reading, blogging and finding new blogs to follow. I have met some ah-mazing friends through blogging and I am very thankful for them.

6. Diet Coke. I drink it like water.

7.Photography. It inspires me to give people what I cherish most of Nolan, memories on paper.
( www.AshleyDowalibyPhotography.com)

8. Friends that I have all over the US. I think I can visit almost any city and have a friend to visit. Kansas, Ohio, New Jersey, New York, Mass, California. The list can go on and on.

9. Our Wedding. Just thinking of how awesome our wedding was makes me smile. Perfect man, perfect wedding, perfect honeymoon souvenir.
10. Chris and our little family. Chris, Me, Nolan in Heaven and our dog Nola. Yes, our dog was named Nola after The Florida State Seminoles. But Nolan's name was a random liking that had the perfect meaning... "little fighter" and that he was.

The 10 blogs I want to nominate for the simple reason that I enjoy reading them. Some are Mom's, some are trying to be Mom's, some are babyloss Mom's and some are about things that make me smile like...house decorating.

Mel @ My Random Thoughts
Rachel @ Waiting for Morning
Starter Home to Dream Home
Danielle @ Letting Go & Letting God
Stephanie @ A blue eyed boy met a brown eyed girl
Missing Mora Mae
Brie @ Two of a kind, working on a full house
Lisa @ The Peterson Family
Shannon @ Lil Miss Caroline
Amber @ Pirates @ Butterflies


  1. I enjoy reading your blog. Sometimes I cry, and some of the time I laugh. You have a way of putting your words together. You certainly have a zest for life. Keep writing and keep inspiring, Nolan's story is one to be heard.


  2. Thank you so much for my award! I really didn't think I had many readers. I'm so glad my blog makes you smile! I am still an avid reader of your blog. Because Nolan and Caroline were born just a few weeks apart, I always think about him when I'm blogging. They would be hitting milestones together.

    Keep smiling!

    And you better not think of coming to California and not seeing me!


  3. Your blog is lovely, you deserve every award there is Ashley - what a strong woman you are! (And I'll admit it, I'm hooked on Jersey Shore too!!)

  4. Thank you so much for the blog award. I'm honored that you would consider me when there are so many wonderful blogs out there :)

    I just LOVE Nolan's nautical room! I am a sucker for the nautical theme myself. That is what we were going to do Eli and Wyatt's room in had Wyatt lived. Now, with Seth on the way, it looks like that will be what we do this go around as well :) I just think there is something very calming about that theme for a little boy :)

  5. I just wanted to say that your passion for nautical stuff reminds me of my obsession with ladybug stuff. Also, I too make arrangements to put out at Mackenzie's grave and LOVE doing it. I just bought the stuff yesterday to make her a Valentine's arrangement :) People may think I'm crazy for it, but I deserve at least a little joy out of what I have left.

  6. There are no words... you inspire me. I laugh and cry with you. You have become one of my best friends, I love you! Can't wait to see you in May!

  7. Nolan's room looks so great! What a great thing for you guys! I know you love it! :)

  8. I just found your blog through the blog awards. Your son was such a precious little gift - adorable.

  9. Thank you for the blog award. That was so cool. I really enjoy reading your blog too. I'm sorry we met because of our circumstances but thankful and happy for knowing you are there. Even if it is long distance through a computer screen. Hugs! : )

  10. Hi Ashley ~ you have another Blog Award. Please visit: http://shellilynn.wordpress.com to view it.

  11. Always know that you always have a place to stay in MI too.....I just want to thank you so much for sharing your journey. Sometimes I like to just read your blog it helps me to know I am not alone in this. We had the ball Saturday for Ethin on what would have been his 1st birthday so I too also understand the date thing as a way of remembering and thinking how old he would have been.
    Prayers, Blessings, and hugs to you, Jessica

  12. Thank you Ashley! I will get working on this in the next few days!!! I appreciate it!

  13. Ashley! I read your blog all the time and since it is national "de-lurking" week, I thought I should make myself come out of the woodwork and tell you how much I enjoy reading your story! Keep up the good work!! BTW, I found (if you will) you on thebump. We were pregnant together for awhile (I had my baby 9-17-09. Anyways, I was rooting for you the whole way and I am praying for a happy and healthy pregnancy for 2010 for you and Chris!!
