Thursday, January 21, 2010

Blog friends

I met a blogger friend in person the other day, Lauren. We met at Starbucks and talked about our babies while sipping on Lattes. I can't say it enough, it's just so much easier to talk to someone who has been through the heartache unfortunatly. I don't feel awkward talking about the raw feelings I wrote about the past few months because she has been through the SAME EXACT THING. I didn't feel like I was putting someone in an awkward position when I talk about Nolan, his death or anything of the sort.

It was just nice to be fully comfortable talking about my son. I mean, I will ALWAYS take the chance to talk about Nolan but I always try to talk only about his life vs his death and the followings. It's just easier.

Thank you Lauren for the great coffee date and the good conversation about our babies and future pregnancy worries. I wish we never had this date, I really do. She should be planning her babies (4- yes 4 babies) first birthday party and I should be, well... just with Nolan.

I'm looking forward to this weekend. A good friend from high school is coming to Florida to stay with us. I'm super excited and have tons of fun things planned. So I am sure I will be MIA for a few days but promise to post some pictures when I come back.


  1. So excited you got to meet Lauren, She is such a sweetheart. Maybe next time I'm up that way we can all have coffee :) The circumstances under which we all know each other is unfortunate but a welcomed blessing! So glad that you were able to talk about Nolan, Lauren is really good with that and really allows you to talk. Have fun with your friend!


  2. It's so true Ashely...they just know and you can just say anything. I'm glad you got to talk w/ your friend in person.

  3. I stumbled onto your blog today from Lauren;s blog. I just wanted to say that I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Nolan. I too had Pre-E and HELLP syndrome, severe with my son, and not so severe with my daughter. I pray that whatever your future holds that God will bless you and keep you and that, when you are blessed with another child, it will be HELLP free, and as I continue to pray for FULL TERM AND FAT 8-) May God carry you today!!!

  4. So glad you got to meet Lauren. She's so awesome!
