Saturday, January 9, 2010


I'm stuck.
Trying to decide on the perfect flowers for Nolan for the season and I can't think of any. I am sure your thinking any flower arrangement will work, so why are you stressing over it. Right?

I don't blame you, I think it's my way of being his Mom. I guess you can compare it to finding the perfect nursery or the best Halloween costume or maybe even that perfect outfit for a certain occasion. But I am left to flowers- flowers to put at my baby's grave. So yes, in my mind- I want them perfect and meaningful. He only deserves flowers made from our hearts. So what would be good?...

It looks like I will be craft store hopping today to collect all the perfect things for this months flowers. I'm thinking a white winter theme since it seems to be snowing everywhere but Florida. I think Nolan would like those.

I can't believe I am writing a post about putting flowers at my baby's grave, still just seems so surreal to me. As I said, just one of those 'holy cow this is my life' moments.

On the other hand, the lady at McDonalds last night asked if I had any children. I just smiled and nodded and thought...
"Yes, yes I do"
It was just one of those moments and I felt like a Mom, I love those moments. So simple, but so meaningful.


  1. We want everything to be perfect when it comes to remembering our babies. I wish I had some advice, but not sure the best flowers for this time of season. Whatever you pick out, it will be perfect because it will be coming from your heart. Nolan knows that.

  2. There were some really pretty white poinsettias at Michael's for Christmas. And also some red ones. I'm not sure if they're still there, but they were really pretty and wintery.
    Nolan loves your flowers Ash = )

  3. I love lillys and maybe some orange blossom? Here is a link to flowers with pictures and their meaning - I had it post marked favorite bc I love sending flowers with meaning behind them. Good luck! (sorry its a wedding link, but its the best one I have found so far)

  4. Dark Violet Purple with white would be good for the winter also.
    Anything you put since it is from your heart.
