Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pot Roast Thoughts

I think I just mastered the Pot Roast in the crock pot. I am not for certain yet but the aroma and quick bite of one of the carrots has me drooling for more. So what am I waiting for? Chris to get home from work at 6am. So my pot roast has been cooking since 10pm last night and should be finished just about when he walks in the door.

Now I am sitting here in the dark counting down the last few hours until Chris gets home. I have entertained the idea how I should be hanging out with a little guy named Nolan instead of watching movie after movie all alone and making midnight pot roasts. Like, shouldn't I be feeding him off and on through the night? Wait no... he would be older?...right? Babies that age sleep though the night? God, I don't even know and I am a freaking Mom! Why don't I know?... Because I never got to bring him home to find out. To watch him grow, learn his habits and enjoy the simple things. I am a Mom that doesn't know how to do 'Mom' things. What does a 7 month old do? Dare I google and find out, I think I will pass on that one. Will I ever find out what a 7 month old does? Who knows, but the unknown gives more anxiety than you can think of.

See how a simple midnight pot roast can bring the overwhelming emptiness that occupies my thoughts. Here I am rambling about my thoughts, partially because I felt inclined to blog since I am watching that Julia & Julie movie, you know the one about blogging. I guess you got what was on my mind once again, random.


  1. *hugs* I wish we all got to find out.

  2. congrats on the pot roast. I just made one last Friday and I amazed myself. I hate when all that baby stuff creeps up on me. (((Hugs)))

  3. That's great about the pot roast...I wish I could master one! I'm terrible at it. I mean, it's edible, but not great! Anyways, thinking of you, and I know that it must be difficult!

  4. Similar thoughts struck me on our twins' one year "birthday." I tried to picture them, then realized I'm not really sure what 1 year old's do! It's a heartbreaking realization, for sure.

    Hope the roast turned out well. I'm fairly certain my husband would fall in love with me all over again if I could pull off a similar feat :)

  5. You just can't control when those thoughts and feelings are going to enter your mind, can you?

    On another note - You should post about your pot roast recipe... Josh would love it if I made that!


  6. Good job Ashley and I hope you get that Baby soon. Sending you alot of Stork vibes.

  7. The pot roast sounds quite yummy! When there is nothing to do the mind can entertain many things. Maybe that's why I keep my mind busy.
