Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday Monday

I DO have a best friend, well I have many. I have one in Arizona, one in Kansas, 2 in Ohio and a lot in Florida. But I have one very special best friend, Valorie. I am so thankful that Valorie has been placed in my life. I know I have written about her before...

I remember when I first met her at
work, I was a student and she took me to the ER for a trauma. I remember being so impressed with how well she handled herself, how quick she was on her feet and what a great teacher she was. I hoped that one day I could be as good as she is. A few months later I was hired and placed on night shift with her and it was the best thing that ever happened, I have learned SO much from her! Over the past 4 years of our friendship, we have grown so much. We both have gone through quite a bit in our lives recently. But we were there for each other through it all. I couldn't have picked a better shoulder to cry on and a better person to pick up on her bad days. Thank you Valorie. Thank you Valorie for planning the BEST bachelorette party in history! Thank You Valorie for taking all your extra time making my wedding extra special one detail at a time, oh and learning to lace up that beast of a dress!
Thank you Valorie for helping take care of me when I was sick.

Thank you Val for rushing to be at my side the morning Nolan was born.
Thank you Val for taking care of all my work things while I was gone.
I am so so so so happy that you were able to meet Nolan, funny thing is you were the last to meet him on the last night he was alive. How was that?
Thank you for being there in the NICU after driving 1000mph to be there the very second Nolan left us to intercept us with open arms.

Thank you for making Nolan's video for his service, it's the best memory I could have.
Thank you for sitting with me hours on end while Chris was back at work and I was too scared to be alone.

Thank you for making me laugh, smile and enjoy life a little more when I hang out with you. I'm a lucky girl to have such a best friend.

I have some really awesome friends and would love to make a post about every single one of them because they are all THE BEST!


  1. Friends are such an awesome thing! I think they are all put into our lives for a different reason. I am also Thankful for all of my friends!!

  2. Friends are great! I'm glad you have so many! Looks like you have an awesome one too! :)

  3. What a truly wonderful friend you have - such an important part of our lives are true, caring friends.

  4. *Hugs* What a friend. She is one in a million.
