Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Deck the Halls

It feels so good to be back in the spirits this year. Last year was so hard on us and we just didn’t have it in us to drag out a Christmas tree, hang all the lights, listen to music or anything. We just wanted to fast forward through the cheerful part of the holidays since we never expected to be grieving our son over the holidays.

This year is a whole different story. It’s before Thanksgiving and I broke the rule of throwing our tree up early. Who cares, really- especially since I am known to do this in the past. I want our baby boy to come home to a decorated house full of Christmas. I want to celebrate Christmas more than anything this year and I was starting to think, if I didn’t get this tree up now- will I miss our chance. Let’s face it, I could be hospitalized again in the next 3 weeks, then he comes, then we get home 10 days before Christmas and is it really in our cards to get a tree up with a newborn? HA!

I will admit, it was the damn Glee Christmas album that triggered the bug up my butt to do this today. I downloaded it, previewed it and immediately wanted to blast it on surround sound and get all tangled in lights and unwrap all the ornaments. So I did. I called Kelli and asked for help since I am suppose to be taking it easy and with in hours, my house was transformed into Holiday central.

I’m just happy.

I’m excited this year is going to be different. I am stoked that we get to take family Christmas pictures in front of the new tree. I am just thankful this year is different, despite all our heartbreak in the past 6 months, this little guy has been the light in my family this year. He has given us hope in times we felt there was none and we are so ready to meet him…in 23 days and not any sooner hopefully.

So here we go..

Our Family Christmas Tree 2010.


I ditched the colored lights for white, skipped the garland and went with ribbon, and only used the ornaments that really meant something to us. It’s like we have a whole new tree with a new look and I love it!







Last but not least… Ya I am huge and I love it, I have one big boy growing in there!



  1. You look fabulous! CC looks very comfy in there!! The tree is absolutely stunning as well!

  2. I LOVE that Merry Christmas from Heaven ornament. I'm going to have to track that down.

    I am totally jealous of your belly! I can't wait to be that big! :)

    Now, rest up, because it looks like you have done way too much work!

  3. You look great & I love your tree!

  4. Beautiful tree and Momma!

    You look amazing, Ashley!

  5. You do look fabulous and I love the tree!

  6. You look absolutely radiant in the last picture. Merry Early Christmas!

  7. You look fabulous and your tree is beautiful!!

  8. You look beautiful you are all in the front. Your tree is beautiful I will do mine maybe this weekend I like to get it up early too so you can enjoy it, after all it is alot of work, I ditched the garland last year too and went with beads. Love the ornaments. You are going to be a great mommy.
    Take care and rest today. Love Aunt Chris. Oh I bought some of Charlies Ornaments for my tree to I send the check to Sara the other day they are so cute.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Oops, I tried to correct my earlier post..

    Anyhow, you look seriously STUNNING! What a gorgeous belly you have there- baby CC is going to be such a big fella!

  11. You look beautiful and so does your tree! The Christmas from Heaven ornament has me in tears, so sweet.

    Can't wait to "meet" CC in 23 (an no sooner) days!

  12. I am so happy for you. With all that you have been through it is so wonderful to see you happy. Your tree looks wonderful and I love your belly shot. I love Glee, I better check out the Christmas album. Keeping you in my prayers.

  13. WOW You look fantastic pregnant!!! And your tree looks great too!

  14. Ashley your tree is gorgeous and so are you! You look great and I am praying that the next weeks are smooth sailing(no pun intended) for you and new baby CC. Hugs to all of you.

  15. a beautiful tree and a beautiful momma!! =)

  16. What gorgeous pictures!!! I LOVE your belly!!!! And the tree is beautiful. I can't wait to get ours put up!! Here's to 23 days of a happy growing baby boy and a happy mommy and daddy! :)

  17. The tree looks great, and you look stunning! :)

  18. LOVE it! Its a great idea to decorate for Christmas now. It is gong to be the best feeling EVER bringing CC home from the hospital in mid-December to a decorated house! Christmas 2010 will always be special to your family.

  19. You are always just so positive and I love it!!! You look beautiful and I think you were so smart in getting the tree up now!!!

  20. beautiful! You look wonderful as does your tree! Keeping you and CC in my prayers these last weeks... :) So exciting!

  21. I cried looking at this. I may be a bit of a hormonal glad that ornament is special to you! And you look amazing!

  22. Where did you get that ornament with Nolan's picture on it? It's awesome! I've been looking for something to showcase Aidan on our tree and so far I haven't found anything perfect.

    You are looking great. Here's hoping the next couple weeks fly by!

  23. Ummmm, you forgot something...THE FLAMINGO POSE!!! I mean I like the big ole healthy baby CC bump you've got going on, but the FP adds flair, FLAIR I tell ya! ;P

    You look beautiful, the tree looks beautiful and that belly...well, it's downright beautiful too!

  24. The pictures of the ornaments reminded me of a post you did last year with pictures of ornaments...and then I realized I've been reading your blog for a whole year now! I don't comment much but I just wanted to let you know that it has been a joy to follow your pregnancy with CC and when the big day comes I will be as happy for you as I am for me "real life" friends!! You look beautiful and so joyful! :)

  25. I'm a new reader to your blog- I lost my daughter, Claire Sandra on 10/28/2010 and continue to find inspiration every day in blogs like yours. We were told Claire would likely be born stillborn due to the stress of labor but my husband and I continued to pray that she would fight. And she did! She came out kicking and fighting but her lungs were not developed enough to intubate. I've been having a hard time even imagining putting up decorations this year (I'm usually a Christmas nut) but your beautiful tree has inspired me to at least do that. Even though holidays are hard, I'm beginning to see I can still incorporate Claire into them. Your ornaments gave me lovely ideas for doing the same thing for my Claire. Thank you!

  26. The tree and you are absolutely beautiful. :-)
