Saturday, December 25, 2010

Baby Jesus

That’s our son, playing Baby Jesus! He did awesome, slept the entire time and barely moved. I am hoping that MAYBE he’s a natural at this acting stuff and hopefully he can make some big $$ some day. HA! We can only hope. I am convinced I would be his date to all the red carpet premieres.

So back to Baby Jesus, Mass was such a beautiful service, the music, the message and I was so proud that our little one was the little Baby Jesus that was not only in the manger, but blessed in front of the whole Mass by Father Bob. I cringed later on in the service when all the expecting Mothers went up to be blessed, we all know what happened last time I went to be blessed…. 6 hours later CC decided to make an early appearance. Wait! Did I even tell that story?!

Yup December 4th I went to Saturday night Mass with my Mom and Dad. When we walked in we saw Father Bob who was so happy to see I was still pregnant. I did mention it would be my last mass since I only had 6 more days left. He told me I must come up for the Children's blessing at the end of mass.

So when it was time, I waddled my way up there with all the kids and one other expecting mother. When I went up there, Father Bob announced to the mass that I only had 6 more days until this little miracle baby was to be born, everyone clapped and he went on with his blessing. He prayed for the Dr’s, the nurses, the OR team, me, Chris and of course the baby. I walked back to the pew afterwards, and my gosh darn Dad was in tears. I guess it was one of those moments.

Any who, that  6 days, turned into 6 hours because a few hours later… I started contractions in the middle of Target. SO…. Father Bob has some powerful blessings I must say!

So needless to say, I said a small little prayer for all the expecting to wait a little longer after his blessings last night.


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  1. OMG I had tears and chills reading this! SO beautiful!! I had no idea all of that happened. Very precious, and so glad you have your Christmas miracle with you!

  2. What am honor it must have been to have CC play Baby Jesus. The pictures are beautiful.
