Sunday, December 26, 2010

Faa la la la la… La la. la. LA!

“The best way to spread Christmas Cheer, is singing loud for all to hear.”

                                                                                          -Buddy the Elf

That’s how I felt this year. I wanted to sing Christmas music at the top of my lungs, decorate every inch of my house in lights and garland and loath in Christmas goodness because this year, I am just so damn happy. So thankful and completely over the moon for the best little Christmas gift yet this year, CC. It’s amazing how so much can change in one year. Last year I wanted nothing to do with the holiday season, I went to church to celebrate Jesus, but that was it. No tree, no decorations, no nothing. And I was kind of ready to do the same given the type of year we have had, but that 5lb 7oz baby boy changed that all, he brought back hope into our life and gave us one HUGE reason to celebrate this year. God I love him so unconditionally.Christmas 272

Christmas 274  I seriously can’t stop kissing him

I am just so thankful he’s here, he’s healthy and we got to end 2010 with something to smile about. There is no question about it, Christmas was the closest thing to perfection this year. I always hope the holidays are gentle on those who are missing loved ones and this year there is no question that my family needed that. Although, our little Christopher brought us so much needed cheer this year. We needed this little guy, he has brought smiles to our faces and happiness to the infinite power. I can’t even begin to tell you how complete I feel right now.

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 Christmas 260

We spent Christmas Day at my parents this year, we had a low key Christmas given it was my Mom & Dad’s first without my brother and my Grandpa. We didn’t have a tree decorated there or lots of presents. We pretty much spent the day passing the baby around and taking pictures, laughing at his ridiculous expressions and marveling at our little miracle. Sometimes simple is better and this year it was needed for my family. We really just spent the holiday celebrating the true meaning and it felt so good to be together as a family, no present can top that.

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Christmas 189 

Christmas 178  Christmas 196

And at the end of the night, it felt so good to be able to put CC in his PJ’s, pack up the car, load the baby in and wave goodbye as a family. THIS is what I have been dying to experience the past 18 months, I have craved this feeling and it feels amazing to feel as close to complete as we can while we still miss Nolan.

mom This was all the stuff I found AFTER we thought we packed everything. Surprisingly we remembered the baby. LOL


  1. It is amazing how much stuff you need for one little baby!

  2. so glad you are feeling this happy and could really enjoy christmas this year! i feel a lot of that too, knowing that our little bundle of joy is on its way too!

  3. This post gives me so much hope! This was our first Christmas without our baby boy. Just like you last year, we had no tree or presents. I'm truly happy for you and your family.

  4. I'm happy that you can have something to smile about. My goodness what a load of goods to find! You sure look cute though.

  5. This post has given me so much hope for the future. We did Christmas this year, but not nearly as big as normal. It's nice to know that (God willing) we'll be in a better place this year.

    You look fantastic and are simply glowing!

  6. So good to hear that you were able to celebrate Christmas despite all you have endured this year alone. Your family is always in my thoughts and prayers ((HUGS)).

  7. This post made me smile and smiling is my favorite! So happy for you!!

  8. Such an uplifting post. Thank you. I'm glad that you had a wonderful time with the family. And yes, sometimes simple is best. (((hugs)))

  9. You have so much to SING LOUD about- he is so adorable!!! Glad he filled this Christmas with joy! I am praying next year is my joyous Christmas!

  10. Oh Ashley! I LOVED this post. THis brought tears to my eyes, happy tears! I am so happy that you have this little guy here with you finally. What beautiful beautiful pictures you have of him! I am glad we both got to have a Christmas we have dreamed about for so long since our losses. I hope to finally get up and over there VERY SOON to come meet baby CC! :) you did great mama! And you look FAB!!!

  11. He is so cute I can't even stand it! Congratulations!!!

  12. Adorable Baby....


  13. I'm just so thrilled for you...I'm glad you are able to bask in renewed hop and restored joy. That's how it is supposed to be!!!

  14. Awesome pictures. I couldn't be happier for you. What a blessing.

  15. Having that baby to hold is amazing!!!

  16. Yes that is the true meaning of Christmas family and god not presents I have always said that nice to see you are happy and glowing. We had a quiet one too.

  17. aww, he's so cute! happy you guys had a wonderful christmas this year!

  18. Congratulations and continued blessings!
