Friday, January 7, 2011

1 month old!

Seriously, I blinked my eyes and he grew. Where is my little 5lb preemie because now he is pushing 7lbs.

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1 month old…

Still in newborn diapers and clothes

Still has his day and nights mixed up, he definitely takes after his mama and her night shift ways

He’s not a huge fan of tummy time and last only a few minutes. BUT his head is SO strong for his size.

OH! and he freaking rolled over last night! Seriously, where is the pause button!?

I can’t believe it’s been a month since we brought him home, our lives have taken a change for the best and we are loving every minute. I just wish he would slow down because before I know it, he will be graduating college. AHHH! It’s so funny because the entire pregnancy I prayed and prayed that he would grow and now that he is out and healthy, I just want him to slow it down a bit. Crazy.


  1. How cute is he?! I just love the elephant outfit! :)

  2. Gah! How big he is already! Great pictures!

    Hopefully the rolling over thing was just a fluke accident and won't be a regular occurence already!

  3. Look at how strong his neck muscles are! Wow! I can't believe how he has grown either!!

  4. Did you do those pictures of CC?? They are PRECIOUS! He really doesn't take a bad picture though, does he?

  5. The pictures are so darn cute. He is just so precious. I can't believe he is a month old already!

  6. He is gorgous!! I love the overalls, melts my heart.

    They just keep growing and growing. I'm looking at my almsot 18 month old and wondering where MY 5lb preemie went. Enjoy it, I know you are the last person I have to say that too! I still tear up sometimes when I think of how quickly this year and a half has gone.

  7. He's adorable! Paisley hates tummy time, too and will only do it like 3-5 minutes before she starts screaming. But from the looks of CC's pics it looks like his neck is a lot stronger than Paisley's because she can pick it up for a second but she can't hold it there long. They are growing SO fast! I can't believe CC is 1 month and Paisley will be 2 months already in just over a week. I'm so happy for us both :)

  8. He is so sweet! Isn't it amazing how the time flies? Stella will be 4 weeks old on Tuesday... but I'm happy to delay calling her a "one month old" until the 14th of January! I know what you mean -- Stell was a little peanut, born under six pounds, and she had lost down to 5 lbs 2 oz by her 4th day of life. I wanted her to grow, gain, grow... and now I want her to slllooowww down.

  9. I cant even describe how happy I am for you!! Your baby is amazing and you deserve him! :) Lovely pictures, too! Happy 1 mth baby boy!

  10. He is so cute!!! My first started rolling at about 3 days old. He grew so fast. Enjoy every minute of it because he will be 13 before you know it!!!

  11. He's so amazing, Ashley.

    If you find that "pause" button, let me know. My son's 13 months, and I'm still looking for it!

    So happy for you... :)

  12. BEAUTIFUL pictures. OMG. I want your camera! :) and yes I cant believe he is 1 month old already. Yet I feel like you were texting me saying its baby time! Your posts are written so beautifully! Yes, funny how we want them to grow and grow inside and then now they are here, its like SLOW down just a teeny bit! I keep looking at Sadie and saying OMG shes not so teeny tiny anymore! Before I know it she will be in school and dating and ah! Mama isnt ready to think about all of that just yet. SLOW DOWN just a bit little CC! Yu are soo precious!

  13. Oh he is such a precious little bundle of joy! The sweetness in your posts brings tears to my eyes! You are truly blessed and so is he to have you as his wonderful Mommy! Nolan is smiling down on you watching the brother he hand picked for his momma to get to hold and love on. What a wonderful blessing!!! God bless you and your family!

  14. You don't know me, I only know your story from someone asking for prayers for you when Nolan was born. I was hanging with my babies this morning when you popped into my head and I thought, it has been too long since I looked at your blog, heck didn't even know you were pregnant, much less Christopher is here. I had a rocky second pregnancy including a threatened miscarriage, preterm labor, Carson was born at 37 weeks and jaundice as well. He is 5mo now and doing well. Just when I thought all was well, my little girl was recently diagnosed with Epilepsy. All that doesn't compare to the loss of a child but is the reason I missed so much of your story. All I can say now is how ecstatic I am for you and Chris that you have your miracle baby now!! Congrats!!

  15. He is just precious & I hope that he gets his days & nights straight soon!!

  16. He is so beautiful!! He reminds me so much of my little man. I thought he was only 8lbs. I show up at the doctors and now he is 10+...better get him out of those newborn diapers quick LOL
