Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Baby Instructions, naw

Holy cow! I am ALIVE! I swear I am still around. This little guy over here is taking up 99.999% of my free time. I am seriously worried about how I will work this all when I go back to work. (sigh)

So I think I am finally figuring this newborn thing out. I don’t sleep, I live for sales on diapers, I wear yoga pants 100% of the time, I say I am going to work out everyday only to find myself having a glass of wine instead and I am constantly chasing the next feeding. Life is good. It’s mostly puppies and rainbows at this address. Every time I have gone to complain, I catch myself real quick remembering I would die to have had that chance with Nolan, so ya needless to say I am a pretty exhausted yet VERY happy mom.

Things have gone pretty smoothly around here. We laugh because all that worrying I did before he was born about not feeling ready or not knowing how to mother is not even an issue. I didn’t read one book on how to bring a newborn home, I am not sure why, probably because I avoided most “what to expect while expecting books” I mean… they didn’t have a section for my type of pregnancy so why bother. I DID read a book on Pregnancy after loss and found it pretty helpful. But other than that, nothing. But when he arrived, despite the first 24 hours of holy shits, we figured it out. I guess it came pretty natural, the feedings, diapering, sleeping… all of it.

Yet, it threw us off when he kept crossing his eyes those first few days. Chris finally spoke up and asked about it and I told him to Google it because I had no idea. He refused to Google it because he knew Dr Google would probably tell us our kids eyes were going to blow up and fall out and to take him strait to the ER. HA!

So I called a close friend and asked if her sons eyes did the same, she laughed and said it was normal. It wasn’t until a week or two later when we FINALLY read the packet the Dr gave us we realized the first page of the 14 page packet had a WHOLE paragraph about the eye crossing debacle. Chris laughed because he said he buys a DVD player and he comes home and reads the manual to install it, yet we bring a human home and didn’t read a single thing until a week and a half later and we still made out.

So for all you expecting and worried about the same things I was, DON’T stress, it comes natural and you will find yourself laughing at some of the dumbest things.

It’s been an adventure and I need to make a better effort at blogging all these crazy times because more than anything I want to look back and laugh my ass off. I have SO many pictures and videos to share I have no idea where to start. I think since the monster is sleeping, I should attempt to get a head start.


  1. Good to know about the eye crossing thing! And I'm glad it's all going well!

  2. Aww glad things are going good ya that crossed eyed thing freaked us out a bit little lady did it more than little man and she did it with a smile so you can imagine all i kept thinking was omg my kids going cross eyed cuz i did something evil in life lol needless to say my fam quickly reassured me it was totally normal. cant wait to see more pix

  3. Oh Ashley, I absolutely LOVE this post of yours! Made me laugh and smile all in one! You are too cute!

    And see!..It all does surely come natural. I thought the same thing as well, yet I thought omg I am a nanny, well was, and had so much experience then I thought when having her "what am I going to do with this newborn, where do I start? What if this what if that how will I know when ..." and the questions in my head were nonstop. But I am proud of myself, I have made it and am continiung on this journey of parenthood. I love it, and yes, I remember and heck still am always in yoga type pants, hair always thrown back, I remember not too long ago and still am being where you aer today and it feels AWESOME.

    You did it and are doing awesome! (Ps I didnt mean to suggest that book for any means!) but I def have gotten alot out of it, doesn't tell you what to do nes but it does give out alot of useful info and youll be like "oh and ah, this is why that".

    I remember Sadie doing the eye thing alot and it worried me too but I was told alot that its normal and because newborns dont have control of that yet. I cant wait to see videos! I am a bad mama, I havent took too many videos, but now I gotta step it up :) ha since she is doing alot more now! Just wait until you experience those real baby smiles and laughs and oh so many good stuff to come too!

  4. it is nice to hear that I wasn't the only one who freaked about the eye thing :)

    So happy that you guys are settled in & enjoying every moment.......take care!!

  5. I know for a fact all our mothers not sure about your mom but I know her mom and mine had no instructions or books to read you are right it all comes naturally and you have to swing it by the seat of your pants as my dad used to say and he was a great dad. So when you go back to work it will take alittle to get used to but you will find your routine and it will all fall into place and yes be glad you got a job. You can do it all.

  6. I'm so happy to hear you say it comes naturally! I'm due with our first on Sunday (eek!) and I'm not nervous about L&D but I do tend to freak out about bringing her home and being responsible for this little human! We also suffered a loss so I didn't read many books in preparation (though I did start one a few weeks ago), but it's so comforting to hear from someone in a similar boat that instincts really do kick in and being a mom comes naturally! So happy for you and wishing you all the best as you continue to adjust!

  7. I made out too, of course, that was long ago and somehow my daughter grew up okay, (she is now 34!) but you are right about the manual. I'm not sure they gave us one back then! ;o)

  8. Can I say "I told you so" I knew you would be a natural at being a wonderful mommy. I am glad that you have gotten the hang of this. Enjoy him, love him and keep on taking those pictures. He is just adorable!

  9. Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't see how I'm going to be able to go back to work. I'll find out soon though -- I go back Feb. 8!

  10. Thank you for this. I am going in for my c-section tomorrow to meet my little rainbow and one (just one) of the many things I'm worried about is this time I never read the books. I feel unprepared but I just couldn't prepare because I didn't even think we'd make it this far. It is very reassuring to know that it truly does come naturally. And through it all there's laughter.

  11. My blogging has went down since Lainey's birth but it's ok! I'd rather have her taking up my time anyway :)
