Monday, January 3, 2011

A new year

I don’t have much to say, I had this whole post drafted about kissing 2010 good-bye, welcoming 2011 and all my hopes and dreams for the coming year. I recapped our past year and quite frankly it was just too damn depressing to see it all written out. The only thing that came out of last year that was of any good was our baby boy and he ended up being our light of 2010.

So I had this whole post written out, but then we went to visit Nolan, my brother and grandpa after church yesterday and my Dad got these pictures and they pretty much sum up our past 18 months. There are no words really needed. When we buried Nolan, I never in a million years would of thought my brother would be placed next to him and months grandpa. Heartbreaking. Enough is photo(42)

I am ready to see good things happen in our future, ready to start new beginnings, but I just wish the pain would go away and that is going to take a long time.


  1. I'm sorry that 2010 was such a rough year for you. I hope 2011 is a joyful year for you and that you make many happy memories with your baby boy!


  2. Your 2010 was my 2009 only I did not also lose a sibling. The pain of losing MG and my grandfather within a few months of each still kind of takes my breath away so my heart goes out to your and your family.

    It will take a long time for us all to heal but until then we have beautiful babies to hold close during the tough times.

    Love ya!

  3. Oh Ashley, that just breaks my heart to see that. I wouldnt have had any words myself. BIG BIG BIG HUGS. I pray this year brings you lots of happiness, your family is always in my prayers and on my mind. Bless you all.

  4. I do know that feeling Having been raised by my grandparents most of my life, back in 1985 I lost my Grandmother, six months later my own 6 year old daughter and then two months later, my grandfather. All I can say is, I made it through.
    I hope that 2011 is a Happy one for your family. You never forget, but time does help.
    Blessings to you all!

  5. For every ounce of pain that 2010 brought you, I hope that 2011 replaces it with ten times as much joy and happiness! For every tear you cried, may there be a hundred gut-busting laughs. I pray that the sadness in your heart quickly fades away, leaving room for many, MANY good things that are sure to come your way!

  6. Amen Ashley to all that yes it will take time to heal my heart is still healing, Mike then my Mom and 1 year and a few months my Dad it has been not good I am still trying hard to get through it is a long road, but you have your little one to help you through me I have my great husband I am glad to have him and my family and of course my little Makayla. Take care Aunt chris.

  7. 2010 was a horrible year for you. Except for your little man. I can't even begin to understand your pain but I do think of you often. I'm glad to see you so happy - such a beautiful, wonderful mother and in love with CC.

  8. (((hugs))) may 2011 bring you nothing but happiness and awesome memories.
