Friday, February 4, 2011

My poor kid has a booger picker for a Mom

I'm dead serious, it's what I do for a living. So it doesn't surprise me that I'm chasing boogers on poor CC. I'm the girl who got the battery power aspirator at my baby shower, so along with the blue bulb suction & some saline this kid should be good to go on most days.

Although this past week nothing seemed to cure his rattle and it was driving me insane. On Tuesday night it got to the point he started retracting and had some wheezing so I started to worry. I'm not sure if it was the over-anxious , over protective, I am terrified of something ripping CC out of my hands type worry. OR was it just the educated respiratory therapist in me kicking in, who knows.

Either way, we woke up to this sick little guy on Wednesday morning.
Since his symptoms were looking like RSV I made a call to his ped who had me bring him right in. I would rather be safe than sorry especially knowing first hand how serious RSV can be. Let me tell you... that trip was NO FUN. We had to go to the office in the next town over which is a completely different area. In the 15 minutes we were in the waiting room I am convinced we saw a drug deal, a fully dressed cowboy leave to wrangle his whatever he wrangles and was contemplating if the scary hairy man sitting in the corner was in the wrong waiting room. No lie. This was better people watching than Walmart and CC seemed entertained by the madness too.

Any who, mind off track again.
CC had his pulse ox taken, temp was normal, flu test was negative and his Dr agreed that it was a good idea I brought him in. She decided it was a upper respiratory bug and it will run it's course. She did send the RSV out STAT which we found out was NEGATIVE... THANK GOD
I'm just trying to find that happy medium of being over-anxious & over educated of the worst case scenario. I'm just glad I brought him in and everything was "okay". Oh and did I mention...

He weighs 11lbs even now! He has doubled his birth weight in just 2 short months! AHHHHH!!!! He's a little fatty!


  1. I always feel like it is better to be safe than sorry so B went to the doctor a good bit when he was a little guy too!

  2. Ashley, my daughter is 34 years old and I still get freaked out when she is sick or hurting in some way. It's part of being a Mom!
    Hugs to you and CC!!!

  3. Oh my gosh... he looks so sad and sick in that first picture! So glad he doesn't have RSV!

  4. Oh my goodnesss...This post freaked out when you mentioned RSV...i'm glad you took him in and everything checked out fine. the last picture is so cute! He sure has grown.

  5. the first picture slays me. he manages to be at maximum adorableness even while under the weather. I'm glad to hear it should run its course... and I agree, better safe than sorry!

  6. Awe, I am so glad everything turned out okay Ashley! You are and have been a mommy since you had sweet Nolan, and like a fellow mommy said on here, you worry even once they get out of the home and are all grown up! Its part of being a mommy! You did the right thing, I would have too! He is getting so big and quick, I think thats the boys tho! Well all babies seem to grow quick, but the boys, I see it alot in my friends babies too. He is and will be one the girls will flock to! I see it!!!

  7. Better safe than sorry!! I am a 'booger picking mom' too. It's a sure-fire way to get immediate silence at my house. Picture this: a very loud 4 year old playing with an equally loud firetruck in the living room while I am trying to hear the ingredients of some awesome dish Paula Deen is making. All I have to say is "AJ, come here and let Mama get those boogers out of your nose..." To which he grabs his firetruck with hand, his nose with the other, yells "no" and goes to play in his room! Ahhhhhh, back to my quiet foodnetwork happy place for a few seconds :-) Works like a charm! lol! Rmember that when Baby CC is 4!! :-)

  8. I am a booger picker mom, I cannot stand crusty noses! My youngest (21 months) was in the hospital in December for 4 days because she had RSV & Pneumonia. It was rampant in her daycare for most of December. I love that first photo - I just want to pick him up and love on him!

  9. What an adorable chunker!
    Askley, I totally get it!! I am a nurse, however this past week I feel SO guilty cus I did the opposite with L. I feel like i am always running him in so I sat on it-it WAS RSV and pnuemonia! 4 days on paeds with IV and a little O2 blow by for sats in the 80's ugh I felt like the worlds worst mama!
    hang in there, never hesitate to get him checked, and follow your gut!

  10. so glad he's okay and doesnt have RSV. miss you and can't wait to see cc again!

  11. Glad CC is alright. Our doctor's office is a bit shady too. I despise going there. I always wait outside. We are lucky to have the luxury of great weather pretty much year round, right? CC must be a great eater. :)

  12. I just stumbled onto your blog. What an inspiring person you are. You are truly blessed with an angel in heaven and one in your arms. Your son, CC, is adorable! Best of luck to you and your family!!
