Sunday, February 20, 2011

Stream of consciousness

It's been over a week since I have sat down to finish my half started blog posts. It was my first full week back to work and it's been quite an adjustment to find our new routine and schedule. There isn't too many complaints, it's all been going pretty good. I love my new job, it's amazing how much happier I am compared to the past few years. They made the transition very easy for me and I am so honored to be "Charlie's sister" since this is the same hospital he worked at. It's going to take time to feel that comfort level at work with Dr's and nurses but I am going to have so many new opportunities here. Funny thing, after coming home from work the other day, this was my fortune cookie. Talk about perfection.
CC is growing like a weed, his thighs have multiplied in rolls and his cheeks looks like he is storing food. He has the best "m"anny, his Gpa. He takes such good care of him while we are at work and it's reassuring that I don't have to worry about him. He's starting to sleep more than 5 hours at night, loves his SwaddleMe and is on full formula now. He smiles, he laughs and he loves to cuddle. I can't believe he is already 10 weeks old and even weighs 11.14oz!
I'm still working out, I think I have been on the 2nd week of Couch 2 5K for 2 weeks now, but at least I am getting out and making an attempt to get in shape. Piper's 5k is just 2 weeks away and I still have plans on trying to run it. OK ok, more like run walk run walk, but at least I am trying.

We are putting new offers in on some new houses while we have been waiting for the short sale to go through. I pretty convinced it will never happen, it's been since September we have been dealing with it. Last week we fell in love with a new house, made a full price offer and lost it to a cash buyer. Figures. But, then a day later we came across a new house, same neighborhood, identical floor plan and made an offer. We already had a counter offer and we countered back. Unfortuntly we will have to wait until Tuesday to find out if they will accept our new offer. We are crossing our fingers, saying our prayers and hoping this will be our new home.

I have about 3 blog posts to finish and post. I tend to write a lot of things down in my phone and never finish them. I have CC's 2 month pictures to post, a Valentines Day post and a post in the making about my experience I had the other day. But writing that one has been a challenge with keeping HIPPA laws in mind.


  1. HIPPA has ruined many a good post that I have had running through my brain. Sometimes the best posts come from my day to day experiences in dealing with patients etc. Much love to you and luck on the counter offer!

  2. Good Luck on the offer. Two month pics already so hard to believe.

  3. good luck & I will keep my fingers crossed that your offer is accepted!!

  4. oh--- so hoping you get that home- I LOVE it! Glad you like your new job too- change can be hard. Love seeing pics of CC!

  5. Hey, I hope I didn't say anything wrong and were still friends! I went to check on Lauren's blog and then I noticed that you and Lauren are no longer "followers" on my blog or something or you guys both disappeared. I really hope not ! :(

  6. That bath pic is way too cute. And that house? So jealous.

    So happy things are going well for you! Email me if you ever want to talk/vent/or ask about a short sale. We just did one on our house.
