Saturday, March 19, 2011

A day late

I'm here. I'm swimming in a pool of mortgage stuff, wedding photos to edit and scrubs. This past week has been the busiest week I've had in a long time. It felt so good to clock out this morning knowing I have nothing to do this entire weekend but spend time with my sisters and get little man baptized.
Yup, it's finally time to have that moment I hVe been craving since the first mass I attended after we lost Nolan. I had tears falling down my face when I watched another baby be baptized and even though Nolan was baptized, it wasn't the way I wanted. I wanted to be that Mom holding my new baby all in white.
Almost 2 years later and were here. It's a big day for us. He's wearing his Uncle Charlies baptism outfit and it's on Sunday, what would have been my Grandpas 85th birthday. Were having the baptism during mass because since that one day, I told myself I would one day be THAT mom.
I'm here, and I am so darn excited.

On top of all this happening....
We are still in the works of getting our new house. It's funny how things work out. They day we buried Nolan, I said I want one of THOSE houses. I was talking about the houses that happen to back up to the church/memorial garden. I wanted to be able to know that my little one is just a kiss away, always close.
The homes we looked at were always out of our price range, wrong side of the neighborhood, a short sale that took FOREVER... And thank god it did because we now have found ourselves buying the perfect home. It overlooks the church and garden. Every night I can blow a kiss goodnight. It will be our forever home, where CC grows up. Where our family will grow, where out family technically started. I am just so darn happy and excited.


  1. This is all great news. I am so happy that things are going right for you.

  2. I hope you all enjoy this special day that you have been waiting & dreaming for! I cannot wait to see pictures of him in his Uncle's baptism outfit. Hoping everything goes smoothly today & w/ the house of your dreams as well. Glad that things are going according to your hopes & wants.

  3. Awe Ashley, I read this and I had tears whelling up in my eyes! And chills. I am so very exxcited for you to be having sweet baby CC baptised and know his big brother Nolan will be watching over and smiling down upon him as well his Uncle and your grandpa as well. Love you and I cant wait to see pictures of baby CC in his baptism outfit. Love you!
