Friday, May 20, 2011

Doggie Paddle

After weighing in, a walk to the pool and a good swim with the baby and his little friend Miss O was in store. Ok, so maybe I didn’t swim. But I did squeeze into my trusty make me feel skinny one piece, practically falling out but I saw it as at least I didn’t bust out in my triangle bikini with string sides. I’m pretty sure at this rate the strings wouldn’t have enough slack to tie anyways. HA!

I did spare you the pictures of myself on this fair day, hopefully in the future there will be plenty of pool photos to share. If I could only wear triple strength spanx under my suit, I would be GOLDEN! But for know, “chucky little buddha man of many expressions” will show off his good looks while floating in the pool today.

 IMG_2884 IMG_2879IMG_2867As for Nutrisystem, it’s not bad. I actually enjoy it. I am crossing my fingers that come Monday I have lost at least SOMETHING. It will help me with my motivation. Because right now, at 3am in the morning, it’s so easy to cave. I think I stood in front of our pantry trying to talk myself out of the spoonful of peanut butter.

Thank you for all your amazing sweet comments on my last post. When I started writing that, I had no intentions of sharing numbers, pictures and even the whole Nutrisystem as a whole. But it just flowed out onto the keyboard and if anything- it will hold me accountable.



  1. awe!! so sweet! First time in the pool I take it!? Thats funny how I saw those anchor shorts at Target yesterday and thought of you! Dont know if you got it or not, probably did, hopeing, but busy as always, and thats OKAY! :) I undeerstand completely, just wanted you to know you were thought of!

    super cute! I bet CC loved the pool!

    And Ash, you are doing great!

  2. lol! I get into a battle of the wills with the food in my pantry on a nightly basis!

  3. CC looks like he loves the sparkling pool. i would love it to be that kinda weather today. But we are still in low 70's.

    Summer is right there at the corner so plenty of time for the pool coming right up.

    Happy to hear from ya Ashley, glad things are smooth. As far as the new way of'll see results if you stick to it and work out regularly.

    Hugs from Oregon,

  4. He's so cute! You have the best cheerleader in CC as you work toward your weight loss goals. Think health! The healthier you are in side and out, the better you'll feel and your parenting will be impacted as well.

    You've worked so hard on the inside part, the grief, and you can totally do this!

    It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.

  5. Spoonful of peanut butter... it's my weakness too! Weight Watchers doesn't approve either! ;)

    Good luck! If I have learned anything from reading your blog it is that you are one strong woman and when you say you are going to do something you do it and you do it well! I have no doubt that this journey will yield the results you are wishing for!

    x <3 o

  6. This is so cute!! I was thinking of purchasing a similar float for Josh for the summer.
