Friday, July 8, 2011

Finally met my favorite internet "stranger"

2 years ago we lost Nolan

6 weeks later Amy & Scott lost Kalli
1 day after that, a mutual Facebook friend connected us.

We both lost our babies to pre-eclampsia.
Delivered the same gestational age, both severe IUGR
Both of us watched our babies code in front of our very eyes.

She is in Kansas, I was in Florida.
Both new Mom's 1500 miles apart trying to find our way in tragedy.
New friends questioning their faith together wondering what we did to deserve this.

2 years spent crying, talking, hoping, wishing over emails, texts, AIM & phone.
Talking about our angel babies and dreaming about our future babies.

2010 brought us some joy.
Kooper born in June 2010, 28 weeks and 2.1lbs
Born early due to pre-e once again.
Spent 109 days in the NICU
and got to come home.


CC born December 2010 almost full term.

We finally meet.

Last week, after 2 years of a friendship, after 1,000 phone calls, endless hours talking on AIM...

Amy, Scott & Baby Kooper came to the sunshine state to spend the week with us.
What an incredible week. It really didn't feel real when the 2 of them were walking towards us in the airport with Kooper. ZOMG.. we are finally meeting and CC is going to meet his new BEST FRIEND! It was perfect.

So what did we do with this cattle farm Kansas folks in Florida?! Stay tuned....


  1. How wonderful! I am so happy for you two!

  2. That is awesome!! Can't wait to see what all y'all did! We are heading to Orlando next week. Pray for us. Parks, Mickey Mouse, a 4 year old, the heat...OMGoodness!! lol

  3. I love stories like that. It's so exciting that the two of you got to meet. I hope you enjoyed your week together. Can't wait to see what you did.

  4. I'm so glad that you found each other and have become such good friends and that you finally got to meet! I have met a friend like that since losing Jacob and can't wait to meet her in person one day.

  5. I have followed your blog for some time now. Cried, laughed and smiled right along with you. This post touched my heart. So, so wonderful!

  6. That is soooo wonderful that you finally got to meet up!
