Friday, August 5, 2011

Someone is 8 months today....

8 months ago... I had a 5.5lb baby.
Today.... I have a 23lb baby.
Someone doesn't miss any meals now, huh?

8 months....
  • Reaches for us
  • Rolls, sits, rolls... twist into Hasseloff pose.... scoot, sit, roll
  • Will drop any activity the second he sees an iPad or iPhone.....this is trouble
  • Wearing 12 month clothes, almost busting out of them
  • Size 4 diapers
  • Has a belly laugh that can make anyone smile on a bad day
  • Say's.... mmmmmuuuuummmmmm, when he is upset but I don't think he knows what he is really saying. 
  • Jumparoo got moved to the highest setting, I was convinced he was going to shoot himself to the ceiling if we left it on Stage 2.
  • And we moved his crib down since he figured out how to pull up

 And just this week he started crawling. It started with 2 steps, and in days it graduated to full on crawling. I guess my days of a stationary baby are OVER!

Last but not least, after taking these pictures last night, notice 90% of them have his hands in his mouth, and after a full night of tears... we have a tooth! 


  1. Oh Ashley. He is pure perfection!
    I couldn't be happier for you. I'm sure Nolan is so proud of his little (albeit big) brother!

  2. Wow!! Quite a lot of milestones being reached! He is sooo beautiful!!

  3. What a doll! He seems like such a happy baby :)

  4. Wow! He is over the top cute! Great pics!

  5. where has the time gone? He is so adorable & happy 8 months!!

  6. I can't believe it's been 8 months!! How long has it been since he puked on me? :)
