Friday, October 14, 2011


3 years ago, October 15th was just another day in the books. No extra thought was put into it, just wake up, live, go to bed.

3 years later, I wake up and think about my Nolan (like every single day) and all the others babies gone too soon, I live my day missing what could have been and I end my day by lighting my candle that is the wave around the world.

Today, I encourage you to reach out to a friend who may have been affected by infant loss or miscarriage and remind them that you think of them and/or their babies often. Most the time, that's all us Mom's want to hear- 


Sarah said...

Thinking of you and your Nolan...xo

Too Much Good said...

Remembering Nolan with you this morning as I pray for my own two babies in Heaven. We can only hope they are all playing together today.

cmatsukes said...

I always think of Nolan but I never see you to tell that and when you were in town last time for your reunion I was in AZ. I think of all the family members I lost in the last 4 years too many so to all the Moms remembering there babies they lost.

Abigail said...

Thinking of you & precious Nolan