Saturday, November 5, 2011

Bon Voyage

I can really tell it took 2.5weeks to refill my ADD meds, I haven't blogged, I start one post and forget to finish and before I know it- we are leaving on vacation.

We have 8 checked bags, stroller, pack n play and I even remembered my bras. Go me! But seriously, I used to LOVE packing for a cruise- the formal dresses, outfit and SHOES and for whatever reason packing made me feel like it was finally cruise time. But throw an 11 month old packing into the mix and holy freaking cow! That kid is now prepared to be Gilligan if need be. Phew.

No bikinis made it into the suitcases this time around- I'd be insane if I had any hope fitting Into those things. And oh god the eye sores if I even tried. I'll stick to the one piece swim dresses and spanx bathing suits. GOD SEND!
Speaking of Spanx, I packed 4-5 pairs. Sad I own that much but damn do I FEEL skinny when I shivy those suckers up. Thank heavens.

So I'm on a blogging vacation for the next week, I have a few posts in mid draft that will just have to wait till I get home.

So close your eyes, imagine sunshine and pretend to feel a sea breeze all while laying out in the middle of the ocean with a hot foreign cabana boy delivering you a PiƱa Colada and seducing you in his sultry accent.....

Off to sail the Eastern Caribbean for the next week- see you on the flip side!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. I think it's great you go on cruises with CC in tow!

    Have a good trip!

  2. How exciting! I hope you're having a wonderful time.

    On 11/18 my little one would have been nine. As a tribute to him and other babies who have passed away, I'm hosting a blogfest (from 11/18-12/8) for mothers who have lost infants or children. I would love it if you could join us and share your story.

    Here's that link if you're interested:
