Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What the vlog? I forgot.

Attempt #1 at "vlogging' 
3 hours later, I am still trying to remember out what made me want to vlog in the first place.
For the love of my ADD. This is unscripted folks, it's semi disturbing seeing how scatter brained I am. Poor Chris.

And yes, our spare closet is my new blogging home. It's just too big to be wasted space and as Ash V says, life is good when you have a window in your closet. Yup, I need to pick out new curtains for my 'office window'

Think Chris will be mad when he sees I cleaned the closet out onto the spare bedroom bed? Naw... 


  1. You dork! You're so cute. Love your vloging :)

  2. That was fun! To actually see you being yourself and you having the guts to post a video vlog about something you it. Staying true to yourself and being free of embarrassment is great. Have a great time decorating your new "office" and hope to see many more vlogs maybe even putting CC in a few.. :) hugs-

  3. haha SO cute! I could SO not do one of those! but I want to someday!
