Monday, December 5, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday (video)

Dear CC,
A year ago today your Dad and I stared at you in complete amazement & pure shock and unsure of what to do next with you. The past 365 days, you have grown from a 5lb little bundle all swaddled to perfection to a 27lb solid and 100% BOY and we absolutely LOVE it. Your easy going personality has made you a dream baby as if you weren't one already but you are becoming one inquisitive, curious and very hungry little one year old. 

GOD you just LOVE food, all food, not one single thing you have turned down...

I love how your eyes light up and you dance when you hear Mickey come on TV or how you give kisses with an open mouth and how you pat our backs when you give us hugs. I love how you say Mama or Dad and Heeeeeeeeeey! Where has this past year gone? I know that is so cliche to say but it really does feel like it was just yesterday that we brought you home absolutely clueless. We've slowly packed away all your baby gear and tiny clothes and replaced them with dump trucks, cars and balls, oh how you love to throw balls!

I'm so curious on where this next year will take us, the things yo will learn and the little person you will become. You are just so awesome, no words can be put together to describe the feeling you give us on a daily basis. You put a patch over our broken hearts the day you were born, you taught us to love even more and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't look at you and marvel and wonder how I bet you and your big brother would look alike.

You're a special little boy CC, an answered prayer and one huge blessing to our family. 

Happy 1st Birthday! Now let's get off this computer and make some Funfetti pancakes for breakfast in the shape of Mickey heads!! Mmmmmmm!!!!

Your Mom

And to make your ovaries quiver, here is a whole bunch of sweetness over the past year, all 10 whoping minutes. I couldn't help myself.


  1. His first year went by so fast! Happy birthday CC!

  2. ah! what a beautiful video! made me cry! I watched some of if with my mom! Happy First Birthday CC!

  3. Wow a year already. That went by so fast. Happy Bithday Little Man.

  4. Happy first year CC!! I loved the video. What a wonderful way to look back on this journey you have all been on. I wish you all nothing but the best, and many more joyous occasions to document! Thanks for sharing

  5. I LOVED the video!! Thank you somuch for sharing CC with us via FB. I have so enjoyed watching him grow this 1st year. Happy Birthday CC

  6. As all said before....Love the video.
    Both songs have taken on a new meaning since I lost TanaLee, I'm sure the same is for you. It melted my heart to see you raise above such grief and see a heart mend over time. Though Nolan will always be loved and missed, you have come so far in your loss and gained so much with CC! So glad you have been blessed so well. Hugs mama-

  7. Happy Birthday CC!!

    Be the most happiest boy in the worl forever!!

    Kisses from Portugal.

    Sandra Coelho

  8. Oh, Ashley, I LOVED this! I've followed your blog for awhile now...and I just adore reading your updates of CC and am thinking of your sweet Noah often.
